WATCH: Totally Sane Joy Behar Fears Donald Trump Will Cancel ‘The View’ If He Wins the Election


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In this episode of The Wonderfully Delusional World of ‘The View’…

One of my favorite parts of covering “The View” — along with the reality that the idiotic show is a target-rich environment — is the cast of characters from which to choose. 

There’s race-hustling, antisemitic Sunny Hostin, delusional blowhard Joy Behar, and ultracrepidarian-extraordinaire Whoopi Goldberg, who thinks her views and opinions constitute the be-all and end-all of rational, intelligent thought.

The focus of this article is the genius of Behar, who’s pretty sure Donald Trump will shut down “The View” if he wins in November. Delusional? Of course. Paranoid? Oh, hell, yeah.

Before we shred Behar, it’s worth noting that she’s far from alone in her paranoia of the unthinkable on the left: Donald J. Trump returning to the presidency — and everything horrible they believe he will do if he does.

For example, far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said during a Tuesday appearance on “The View” that “No one will be safe” if Trump wins after having said in a previous unrelated interview she’s concerned Trump would start sending liberals to internment camps if re-elected.

Nut-so? Yup.

Maddow Meltdown: Liberal Host Goes on Narcissistic Rant,
Worries Trump Would Send Her to Internment Camp

Now to Behar, who absurdly agreed with Maddow, and then some (emphasis, mine):

There has been a lot of talk about Trump seeking retribution if he gets into office for his legal troubles, for his personal troubles, for his hair, whatever. He always has somebody to blame, you know? So you said recently that you thought that you as an outspoken critic, could be a target yourself

Some people think that sounds overdramatic but I’m right there with you. I think that he is so vindictive that he will go after, however he has to, whether it’s through the IRS maybe, or even through sponsors to get us off the air maybe or you. How seriously should we be taking that?

Such delusional narcissism. These two self-absorbed left-wing ladies apparently believe they would pose such a dire threat to a future Trump presidency that Donald would find a way to silence them. I find that very amusing.

In response, Maddow — after even more predictable hyperbolic babble — said this:

If he decides he’s going to go after you or me or anybody who is well known, we have resources, we’ll likely be fine, but I think there’s a pattern where he picks out individual people and effectively terrorizes them.

Yeah, Rache, I’m pretty sure you and your little show are going to be just fine. 

As will the blowhard and “The View.”

However, internet trolls, tongues planted firmly in cheek, took the opportunity to mock Behar into the second Tuesday of next week for fearing Trump would “cancel” her dopey show. This one was representative of the well-deserved snark:

Before we wrap this one up, as I said at the top, race-hustling Sunny Hostin is always good for a laugh, too. For example, earlier in June, Hostin insisted that black conservatives don’t exist. 

I thought it was interesting that the framing was a room of black Republicans. Where are they? Where are they? Because if you look at the stats, 77 percent of – 81 percent, I’m sorry, of black men are part of the Democratic Party. 

Black voters consistently align with the Democratic Party. Ninety — over 95 percent of black women are part of the Democratic Party so these black men that he was speaking with, I’d love to see them. It would be like looking at unicorns.

“The View.” It’s a beautiful thing — to shred at every opportunity, and those opportunities are plenty.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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