Matt Walsh Is 'Sad,' Very Sad That Media Matters Axed Hacks From Its Payroll


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There may have been a dedicated floor at Media Matters just for the clowns who wrote breathless headlines and hit pieces about Matt Walsh. When I researched for this piece, there were dozens of  Media Matters hit pieces on Walsh. He’s a target of the low-lifes at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), but Media Matters seemed to be Walsh’s most dedicated stalker. 

I can imagine at least a couple of cubicles are now vacant, collecting dust, following last week’s Media Matters death rattle. 

Friday’s Matt Walsh show included a lament for Media Matters euthanizing a vast cadre of its yapping junkyard dogs. Walsh mentioned that Media Matters has been one of the biggest, if not the biggest promoter of his podcast. 

He said:

I’ve heard just terrible things. I’ve heard people say that Media Matters is nothing more than a collection of utterly useless scumbags who contribute nothing of value to society. I’ve heard that.

Someone said to me that Media Matters is basically the human equivalent of like a colony of termites. You know, they’re saying that Media Matters is, they’re the tapeworms in the intestines of society. I’ve heard these things.

Media Matters employees who’ve been tweeting about getting laid off and making it all about them…

And none of them, not a single one, have offered me any condolences or acknowledged how difficult this is for me. Can you believe it? I haven’t even gotten a personal message from any of them saying, ‘Hey Matt, we lost 12 employees. There might be fewer headlines about you and we’re really, really sorry about that. I hope that you’ll be okay. What can I do for you? What can I do to make you feel better about this?’ 

No one has said that to me at Media Matters. Now sure, I’m still earning a paycheck and these people are now unemployed and will have trouble finding new jobs because they have no skills or professional achievements to speak of.

Walsh cited some of the most recent headlines pointing out, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, that Media Matters had only made his job easier by directing people to his podcast and he was sad, very sad, to see hacks on the unemployment line. 

His takedown of Media Matters guttersnipes was brilliant and fun. I thought of the few times that leftists have taken my writing (and cartoons) and commentary completely out of context and missed the point. Satire seems to fly 30,000 feet over their heads.  

In December 2021, the Patriot Front dummies showed up in Washington, D.C. They took a few minutes to parade around in khakis and masks, then piled into U-Haul trucks. Their silly and mockable spectacle caused me to write about it, and draw a cartoon mocking them as Feds in Khakis. A leftist website called “Wonkette” wrote an article about me. The author’s hit was hilarious, missing the satire entirely.  

Also in 2021, I wrote about an ancestor who fought in the Civil War. He was imprisoned in Confederate prisons, including the infamous Andersonville hellhole, and crippled for life. 

A critic completely missed my point. I wasn’t advocating for reparations because my ancestor fought for the North, I was mocking those who claim to be descendants of slaves demanding reparations for something that never happened to them. It would have been nice had the critic spelled my ancestor’s name correctly, but one cannot have everything.  

I must admit that I, too, am a little to a lot hurt that Media Matters has lost staff. The chances of it mentioning me again are sliming down. I was only mentioned once (I think) by Media Matters. I appeared in one article with the following headline: 

Right-wing and fringe media figures claim Tucker Carlson’s Coverage of Capitol Security Footage from January 6 proves it wasn’t a real Insurrection 

Huh? I’m not sure if I am a “figure” or “fringe,” but was (kinda) quoted:

  • RedState’s Jim Thompson accused committee members of pushing “the myth that Sicknick had been killed defending the Capitol,” saying he was “exploited and lied about in death.”

In any event, Walsh was brilliant in his mocking praise of Media Matters focusing its attention on him. He’s right. I didn’t want to see them cut staff. Frankly, I wish Media Matters had spent more oxygen on me. I need the free advertising. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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