WATCH: Sunny Hostin Goes on Ignorant Rant Claiming Black Conservatives Don't Exist


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I must confess that I’ve never watched ABC’s “The View.” Not a minute of it. I know – shocking, right? Except, of course, when I’ve run across a YouTube clip of the latest bit of Mensa-level genius to spew forth from one or more of the ladies. This was one of those clips.

Even better, the star of today’s show is none other than race-hustler extraordinaire, blatantly antisemitic co-host Sunny Hostin – truly a genius in her own smug mind.

On Friday’s gripping episode, the ladies were in a tizzy over the notion that black Americans can be conservative. Hostin declared that believing black conservatives exist is tantamount to believing “unicorns” do, as well.

At specific issue for the ladies was Republican Rep. Byron Donalds (FL) and comments he recently made about black America under Jim Crow. Blowhard (Joy) Behar kicked off the idiocy:

So, my question is, does Byron Donalds, does he not know the history, or is he just wanting to pander?

Of course, Donalds knows history. And unlike the ladies of “The View,” he looks at history objectively — a concept foreign to the left. 

After Sara Haines babbled on in response to Behar, Ana Navarro did what she does: (Emphasis, mine)

If he doesn’t know, shame on him, because there is nothing worse, I think, than when people achieve certain status and certain rights and don’t appreciate, take for granted the struggles, the death, the fights, the marches, everything it took to be able to give Byron Donalds the opportunity he has now

Because under Jim Crow he couldn’t vote, he wouldn’t have been in Congress, he couldn’t have married his wife. 

He’s married to a lovely woman named Erica, who’s white. Interracial marriage was illegal in Florida until 1969. He could have not gone to Florida State University for over 100 years black students were not admitted to that university. Over 250 blacks were lynched in Florida under Jim Crow.

Let’s stop the tape for a minute.

See what Navarro did there? She trotted out the cornerstone of the Democrat Party’s “black strategy,” meaning, “We must not let today’s black America forget about the history of black America’s past.”

From slavery to Jim Crow laws to the civil rights struggles of the ’60s and beyond, the Democrat Party knows full well that its best chance of holding onto the majority of the black vote is if the majority of black voters hang onto at least a semblance of darker times in the past, with the Democrats casting themselves as present-day saviors.

Again, Hostin couldn’t wrap her head around the concept of a black Republican. In reference to Byron Donalds, the worked-up wonder went off:

I thought it was interesting that the framing was a room of black Republicans. Where are they? Where are they? Because if you look at the stats, 77 percent of – 81 percent, I’m sorry, of black men are part of the Democratic Party. 

Black voters consistently align with the Democratic Party. Ninety — over 95 percent of black women are part of the Democratic Party so these black men that he was speaking with, I’d love to see them. It would be like looking at unicorns.

Oh, Sunny. 

The Bottom Line

Neither 77 percent, 81 percent, nor 95 percent is 100 percent. Anyone who pays attention to such things — including Byron Donalds — knows that blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat. That’s not breaking news. 

But, via logic and simple math, that potentially leaves somewhere between five percent and 23 percent of black Americans who aren’t Democrats. Therefore, it’s conceivable (and factual) that black conservatives exist. 

Unicorns aside.


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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