Home Gov & Politics WATCH: Protests Against Daniel Penny Devolve Into Open Racism and Some Rather Awkward Infighting

WATCH: Protests Against Daniel Penny Devolve Into Open Racism and Some Rather Awkward Infighting

WATCH: Protests Against Daniel Penny Devolve Into Open Racism and Some Rather Awkward Infighting


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With the acquittal of Daniel Penny came a volley of threats and promises from Black Lives Matter protesters. As RedState reported, one activist leader went so far as to call for the choking and killing of others in retaliation, shouting, “We need some black vigilantes.” 

WATCH: BLM Activist Suggests ‘Black Vigilantes’ Choke, Kill People in Response to Daniel Penny Verdict

Unmentioned was the fact that a black man did protect passengers on a subway car in New York City shortly after Penny was charged. Jordan Williams, who was released on bail and eventually had all his charges dropped, protected his girlfriend and others on the train by stabbing a violently aggressive man.

Regardless, the protests spilled into the evening and became more deranged as they dragged on. Amid shouts of “no justice, no peace,” one woman grabbed a microphone and said this. 

WOMAN: I went to this trial. I watched the white people. I watched the non-black POCs [people of color] all say they were scared of Jordan. But the black man testified that he was not so we got a problem. 

Let’s stop there for a moment. There was a black man who helped Penny subdue Neely. What his emotions were at the moment, I’m not sure, but I would think that he wouldn’t have assisted if he felt Neely wasn’t presenting a danger to the rest of the subway car. I’d also suggest that skin color has no bearing on whether someone’s fears are valid or not. 

WOMAN: So all the white people here, y’all got work to do. stay the **** out of black people’s business

(whooping and shouting from the audience)

Go in your neighborhoods and do the anti-blackness work in there. I don’t need your opinion. I don’t need no Marxist bull****. I can read black Marxism all my own. (Inaudible) 275 years in English before we was. Go in your own communities and correct this bull**** and stay out of our ******* business. 

Notice that this woman is surrounded by white people who are there to support her, and she still can’t hold back her abject racism. In response, they stand around and meekly cheer as she trashes them. Understand that this kind of deranged notion of hierarchy is at the center of the “social justice” movement. To the person screaming in that video, people aren’t individuals with unique personalities, beliefs, and merits. 

Rather, they are part of a collective which is either guilty or not guilty. In this case, those who are white are deemed guilty even if they wanted Daniel Penny thrown in jail for protecting himself and others. It’s a game that can not be won. You can never be woke enough. You can only have the right skin color to deem one’s self-righteous. Simply put, that’s called racism.

WOMAN: And so white people on that jury didn’t give a **** about what they heard on the stand. Jordan Neely approached no one. Daniel Penny dropped him where he stood. They made those witnesses draw on a diagram where he got dropped. It was right after he entered that train car. I sat right there and listened to it. 

So white people, you got work to do. You better deal with your mothers, your fathers, your brothers, your sisters, your college professors, your bank lenders, your car lenders, all that.

As a factual matter, Jordan Neely did approach people in the car. More specifically, he was screaming violent threats into the faces of riders, claiming he wasn’t afraid to die. He was also not “dropped…right after he entered the train car.” The confrontation went on for some minutes before Penny and another rider took action to subdue him. 

Those details are almost irrelevant when discussing this woman, though. You have to understand that for these “revolutionaries,” the cause is not the cause. The cause is a means to an end for their ideology. Whether it’s the “black Marxism” she mentions or something else, she doesn’t actually care about Jordan Neely, no matter how many times she refers to him as “Jordan,” as if they were personal friends.

In the end, this woman, BLM, and every other organization decrying the verdict had a chance to help Neely when he was alive. They didn’t, though. For them, he only became useful in death as a vehicle to advance their ideology. There’s something especially gross about that. 


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