Home Gov & Politics The Remmys Journalism Dis-Honors: Donut Trolls, Cleavage Polls, Loo Rolls, and Cannibals

The Remmys Journalism Dis-Honors: Donut Trolls, Cleavage Polls, Loo Rolls, and Cannibals



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In recognizing the dregs of press unprofessionalism, journalistic sloth, and generally deserved media mockery, we have created “The Golden Remington Awards,” a nod to the olden days when hard-scrabble hacks committed actual journalism and hammered out dispatches on those hefty wordsmith devices. With an eye to that past of muckraking reporting and shoe leather investigation, we acknowledge those who fail today in an audacious fashion.

These are the inauspicious nominations, in several categories, for this year’s Remmys. 

Distinguished National Reporting

When Mark Robinson won the nomination for the North Carolina gubernatorial race, Bendery managed to conveniently “unearth” a new video. (You are a liar and a communist, if you suggest they were sitting on that video all this time!) This featured Robinson giving a speech where – according to Bendery – he said he wanted to take America back to the time before women were permitted to vote.

Then you see Robinson’s full quote. He was explaining that if we were to go back to the time period, we would see the Republicans once again working to get women’s suffrage passed. What is rather remarkable is Bendery posted the video of Robinson’s full speech, so we can see and hear for ourselves just how deceptive she was in her post.

Distinguished Public Service

Many have seen the disturbing reports out of Haiti, where social unrest and political upheaval are leading to all manner of inequities – including the emergence of cannibal gangs! Looking over all of these disturbing images and reports, David Ingram of NBC News has found the biggest problem: Conservatives have noticed these things!

Sounds like dastardly stuff! It also sounds patently ridiculous, since in his fifth paragraph, Ingram manages to verify that there are, in fact, cannibal gangs on the island.

Distinguished Explanatory Reporting

On the once-again reconstituted CNN morning show, the new panel of hosts felt it would be a ratings grabber to bring on debased former conservative David Frum. You could sense the palpable feeling of mistaken efforts, as Frum addressed the topic of Joe Biden and Donald Trump securing the nominations for the general election.

This may come as a shock, but Frum does not like Trump! (In case you missed the last eight years of his commentary.) But then, he lapsed into what he must have felt was a trenchant metaphor for the election; you see the CNN panelist sitting silently, attempting to grasp Frum’s wisdom, as he described Trump as a comet threatening to destroy Earth, and Joe Biden was the elderly rocket ship captain sent to deflect the threat from the planet.

Distinguished Cultural Commentary

For reasons unclear to anyone not familiar with the desperation to generate website traffic, Slate has been particularly focused on the breasts of actress Sydney Sweeney. First, they published a piece claiming that conservatives were particularly focused on Ms. Sweeney’s balcony, and how it supposedly has brought an end to wokeness. (Most would call this a win/win scenario, for the record.) 

But then, as if to prove how obsessed conservatives are with a luminary’s adipose mammary privilege, Slate delivered yet another piece on Sweeney’s assets, declaring them not all that impressive. This was made better by Xitter’s community note on the topic.

Distinguished Local Reporting

In what will surely appear in a future episode of “Law & Order: Long Island,” we get a gripping account of a breakfast pastry scam that has been blown wide open! A vegan food mart sold gluten-free, organic donuts, which were delivered from a local vegan bakery, when one day something curious appeared in the trays of goods sent over. One donut appeared with frosting and garishly colored sprinkles on top, apparently in the shape of the letter “D.”

The management pulled the delivery and commissioned a home gluten test kit to be employed, and discovered that the suspicious pastry was, in fact, laden with gluten. This happened because the bakery attempted to pass off items from Dunkin’ [Donuts] as vegan selections.

Distinguished Investigative Reporting

In 2023, one of the more asinine developments in the press complex was the coverage of gas stoves. The outlets wavered between the Biden administration wanting to curtail their use, to this being nothing more than a conservative conspiracy, to the stoves being a danger needing to be banned. This all played out in the span of a week, by the way.

Since then, there have been sporadic pieces about what a threat these ovens – used for centuries – pose to the populace. The NY Post delivered this dire warning, and you have to understand it is based upon a study where a sealed-off kitchen used sensors to measure the trapped gasses. In other words, the eggheads contrived a setup that no home uses, to dictate that proper ventilation is needed, which every kitchen already has in place.

Then there is the matter of this headline, which makes many wonder just how many people are cooking on mufflers.

Distinguished Explanatory Reporting

During one of his recent broadcasts, MSNBC’s prime-time pundit was playing the role of Joe Biden campaign manager. In a lengthy segment, the unbiased, non-partisan, and neutral Hayes instructed us on why it was vital to keep Biden in the White House, using an array of graphs on numerous categories showing how wondrous things are under Biden.

One Xitter account responded to his presentation on falling crime statistics, and brought up the issue of illegal immigrant crime by invoking the name of the co-ed in Georgia recently killed, but using the name as it was butchered during the State of the Union address.

Hayes saw this representation and – shall we say – he pounced. It is quite amusing to see the expert pundit insulting the intelligence of someone misusing the name “Lincoln,” all while not realizing he was slandering the intellect of one Joe Biden.

The New York Post Headline Writing Medal 

  • British Broadcasting Corporation

Semi-truck spills on roadways are something of a reporting staple. The blaring details of a highway strewn with a copious number of foreign objects are irresistible reading for many, and the visuals are pure catnip for readers. That stated, it takes some work for an outlet to distinguish itself in this arena.

Recognition goes out to the BBC for finding the proper description of such a calamity, which ties in nicely with the cargo scattered across the asphalt in Los Angeles. The use of the term “loo rolls” was just a bonus.


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