Home Gov & Politics Robin DiAngelo: Michelangelo Is Racist, Y’all

Robin DiAngelo: Michelangelo Is Racist, Y’all

Robin DiAngelo: Michelangelo Is Racist, Y’all



Robin DiAngelo, the reigning queen of white guilt, is back in the headlines again for making more comments further illustrating why white progressive women are the absolute worst.

The “White Fragility” author made a Wednesday appearance on a podcast in which she savaged Michelangelo as a racist. No, I’m not talking about the ninja turtle, I’m talking about the artist. Although, come to think of it, the turtle is probably racist, too.

During the appearance, the conversation turned to Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” and DiAngelo opined that the piece of art somehow perpetuates white supremacy, NY Post op-ed writer Rikki Schott wrote:

In 2020, Robin DiAngelo was the queen of DEI, raking in a healthy six-figure salary to scold other white people about their privilege. But now her diversity empire has withered — leaving her spewing nonsense in obscure crevices of the internet.

On a recent episode of the “Not Your Ordinary Parts” podcast, the “White Fragility” author slammed Michelangelo’s depiction of God creating man as “white supremacist” — and repeatedly misidentified the Old Testament’s Adam as David in the process.

DiAngelo told host Jalon Johnson that the iconic painting “The Creation of Adam” is “the single image I use to capture the concept of white supremacy.”

As she described the masterpiece to the podcast’s whopping 188 YouTube subscribers, DiAngelo made a major gaffe: “God is in a cloud and there’s all these angels, and he’s reaching out and he’s touching — I don’t know who that is, David or something?”

Johnson smirked as she continued, “And God is white and David is white and the angels are white — that, that is the perfect convergence of white supremacy, of patriarchy.”

I suppose this means we must now cancel Michelangelo for not making his artwork more diverse.

DiAngelo came to prominence after writing “White Fragility,” in which she posits that all white people are at least somewhat racist and promotes a bunch of white guilt poppycock intended to turn the average person of whiteness into white saviors bent on rescuing black and brown people.

She is also known for exploiting the death of George Floyd to elevate her platform and land well-paying speaking gigs.

The race grifter’s popularity has declined in recent years as the backlash against diversity, equity, and inclusion practices has arisen in corporate America and on the political stage. But it appears that she might be trying to regain her former glory.

Still, her comments are part and parcel of white progressive grifthood, which relies completely on the notion that everything is somehow racist – especially if it is done by a white person. Instead of actually doing tangible work to help those she claims to care about, folks like DiAngelo are content to write books and give speeches lecturing white folks about their irredeemable racism and telling minorities that we are helpless victims who can’t possibly accomplish anything without white saviors swooping in to save us from white supremacy.

To these people, pointing out how Michelangelo, coffee, and milk are racist is the ultimate way to improve conditions for black and brown people. After all, it’s much easier than actually getting one’s hands dirty, isn’t it?


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