Rep. Ilhan Makes Huge Error, Shows She Doesn't Know Meaning of Memorial Day


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Some people should have a read-only internet. Rep. Ilhan Omar is one of them.

On Memorial Day, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tweeted some wonderful wishful thinking for all those honored on this day. (The tweet has since been taken down, but here is the link; below is a screenshot.) It read:

On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country.

We owe them more than our gratitude – they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.

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Of course, the problem is that dead people don’t need those benefits. 

Commentators quickly took to correct the congresswoman, but the damage was already done. This is an outrage. How is this person an elected official in our country?

Officials who openly berate our country and claim allegiance to another are an embarrassment to the legacy of our country. The least she could do is sit this holiday out and let us celebrate our patriots in peace. Not too long ago, she made clear how much her own country meant to her, so we really don’t want to hear her disingenuous remarks about our heroes today anyway. However, we at least expected her to know who we were honoring. Is there some sort of entry-level quiz for Congress?

This situation is another slap in the face to Americans who can’t understand how someone so anti-American was even elected, much less reelected twice. 

This isn’t the first time she has said something out-of-pocket and revealed her true thoughts. We can’t forget the time she mocked a group of jubilant Christians singing on Easter. 

Notice that most everyone in that video seems happy and smiling. The only person who was unhappy was Ilhan. Christianity is a part of our nation’s history that cannot be taken out. If she has such great disdain for our nation’s heritage and culture, she is welcome to return to her beloved Somalia. Either way, she has no business being a congresswoman of the United States of America.

Omar and her friends in the Squad have been known to use their platforms for their own ulterior motives, and America needs to wise up. Most recently, their true colors have shown through the Israel-Gaza conflict. Omar’s good friend Rashida Tlaib funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to a terrorist organization that is against one of America’s greatest allies. 

The bond between the U.S. and Israel is like a brotherhood. Brothers disagree, but they stick together. In hard times, they still put each other first. That is, unless an outsider intrudes and tries to break the bond. The ties of Christianity and the Holy Land will endure as long as Christianity endures. The ties between our nation and Israel have endured since the nation began in 1948, and they should endure forever. Ilhan Omar, and her friends, should have fact-checked a few things before she chose which country to settle in and run for office. This is who we are. We should have enough self-respect as a country to not allow others to come here and attempt to change the fundamentals of who we are. If we don’t get smart, this will only be the beginning. We must fight for the future of our country. 

What does it mean to be an American? On Memorial Day, patriots whose family members have laid down their lives know the cost all too well. Rep. Omar is reaping the benefit of those heroes by living in a free society, where she is free enough to spit on everything they stand for. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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