House Republican Rips AOC Over Non-Response to Cop Shooting in Her District


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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) (AOC) is not a serious person — and that is a massive understatement.

On Monday, in Queens, in Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s Congressional district, two officers of the 115th Precinct pulled over a male suspect driving a scooter. The suspect, Raul Castro Mata, an illegal alien from Venezuela, shot at the two officers, striking both; the officers were struck but did not receive life-threatening injuries, and the suspect is now in custody.

But it never should have come to this in the first place, and AOC has nothing to say about it. On Tuesday night, another New York Representative, Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), had something to say about AOC’s non-response.

Representative Malliotakis, whose Congressional district encompasses Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, was using AOC’s own words against her in her X broadside against the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist.

To make matters worse, the suspect, who entered the country illegally near Eagle Pass, Texas, has been staying in a migrant shelter in Queens and has a Venezuelan gang tattoo:

The House Republican, whose district also includes New York City, included a screenshot of a report by the New York Post stating that sources told the outlet 19-year-old Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, arrested in the shooting of New York City Police Department Officers Richard Yarusso and Christopher Abreu, has a tattoo that signals to investigators he could be a member of Venezuela’s “bloodthirsty” Tren de Aragua gang.

What conclusions can we draw from AOC’s tirades launched in response to a Donald Trump rally in the Bronx and her silence on this issue? Well, we can conclude, and should conclude, that AOC is not and never has been a person who should be taken seriously.

See Related: AOC Lets the Cat Out of the Bag on Trump Lawfare and Rally in South Bronx 

Voters at Massive Bronx Rally Have a Message for AOC As Even Dems Come Out for Trump

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not a deep thinker; she is not a person of substance or consequence. Granted the halls of Congress are replete with such people, but she is one of the worst such; she is a person of politics, but not principles.

Here’s the thing about principles: They apply in every circumstance without regard for the skin color, national origin, or politics of the person involved. It is staggeringly obvious that were the shooter in this case a white NRA member from Wyoming, the hue and cry from AOC’s office would have been audible in Papeete; but since it was an illegal alien?

AOC’s silence is because of politics. Were she a person of principle, she would have said at least something about the shooting of two cops in her district. But since the shooter is a member of a protected class — illegal aliens, apparently, even if they are members of violent Venezuelan gangs — she remains silent because of politics.

Politics are conditional. Principles are not. Allowing people into the country illegally and putting them up at taxpayer expense is wrong, no matter who they are or where they come from. Shooting at cops is wrong, no matter who does so. The elected representative of an area where two cops were shot should at least make a statement to her constituents about the shooting, regardless of the identity of the shooter. The federal government is, after all, responsible for border control, and AOC has a chair representing the people of her district in that federal government.

That’s a matter of principle. And this is why AOC is a non-serious person; she has no principles to speak of.

It’s to Representative Malliotakis’ credit that she is calling out AOC on her silence. We can hope that the former bartender is capable of learning that when worn on the other foot, the shoe pinches; however, she has not shown any particular predilection toward learning thus far.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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