Dem Rep. Wants NY Gov. Hochul to Pardon Trump—but for All the Wrong Reasons


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Minnesota congressman Dean Phillips called on N.Y. Governor Kathy Hochul to pardon Donald Trump for his ludicrous conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s nakedly politicized persecution of the former president.

Even though he’s right—Trump should have never been charged with this garbage in the first place and should be quickly pardoned—his reasoning is way off the charts.

He wants to let Trump off the hook now, not because the clown show trial was a stain upon this nation— which it most certainly was—but because it might help the GOP presumptive nominee win at the ballot box.

Instead of focusing on the travesty of justice that was the Manhattan Soviet-style show trial, this brain-addled congressman is upset that the obviously politically motivated proceeding might actually help the former president.

Clueless Dean is more obsessed with Trump’s non-crime than he is about the obvious corruption of our system:

“You think pardoning is stupid? Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid. (Election charges are entirely different),” he wrote. Referring to Trump’s claims that he has seen a spike in donations after his conviction, Phillips added: “It’s energizing his base, generating record sums of campaign cash, and will likely result in an electoral boost.”

While I welcome Phillip’s (correct) assertion that Turmp’s verdict needs to be thrown out, I am appalled at his reasoning. He doesn’t care that norms are being thrown into the shed, that our justice system is being abused, and that the consequences will be felt for generations—all he cares about is whether it might benefit Donald Trump, which is an anathema to him and seemingly all Democrats. 

They will sell our principles down the river as long as they get to keep power. Deplorable.

Not ready for prime time:

Phillips Ends Challenge, Endorses Biden in Democrat Primary, but He Left a Troubling Receipt for Himself

Dean Phillips Won’t Suspend Presidential Campaign Despite Mass Layoffs, Humiliating Defeats

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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