Home Gov & Politics Biden Fearmongers in Remarks on Race to National Action Network, His Answers on Iran Are Not Reassuring

Biden Fearmongers in Remarks on Race to National Action Network, His Answers on Iran Are Not Reassuring

Biden Fearmongers in Remarks on Race to National Action Network, His Answers on Iran Are Not Reassuring


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Joe Biden and the Democrats have to be pulling their hair out with the indications that a significant percentage of black voters may be abandoning Joe Biden. Indeed, there was even a poll that just came out from the Wall Street Journal that indicates that some black men are tossing him over for former President Donald Trump, with 30 percent of black men saying they are definitely or probably going to vote for him. If that number is true, Biden has to know that he’s in deep trouble. 


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That’s why Biden has been trying to do things to reach out to the black community, to see if he can pull people back in. He’s been appearing on various radio programs, but he’s had issues, such as when he made a racist comment during an interview he did with a Milwaukee radio host, which showed his odd perceptions about black families. 

READ MORE: Biden Makes Ridiculously Racist Comment About Black Families During Radio Interview

On Friday, Biden also gave a virtual keynote address to the National Action Network’s 2024 Convention. That’s the organization started by Al Sharpton, whom Biden called a “friend” for a long time. That tells you something about Biden–and none of it good, given Sharpton’s past history. I’m not sure Biden gets that reaching out to Al Sharpton is probably not seen as reaching out to most black people or the folks that he’s losing who are going to Trump. 

I’m not sure who told him to do that two-step jog thing, but it just looks silly that he does it now–on every occasion–to demonstrate his vigor. 

Reading off a teleprompter in a wooden way, and with no energy, is not exactly inspiring either. Biden dove right into fear-mongering about the Republicans, claiming that Republicans are trying to suppress voting, and that they want to “turn back the clock.”  

He doesn’t seem to get black people want election integrity laws just like everyone else, and it’s racist to think that black people have a problem with voter ID laws. It’s about trying to paint the GOP as a threat. 

Biden also tried to whip up anger over “banning books,” another imaginary issue. No one is “banning books” — schools are making sure books are age appropriate–and nothing prevents anyone from getting any books, even if the school doesn’t choose to have them in the library.  

At the end of his remarks, a reporter manages to slip in a question about the threat posed by Iran to Israel. There have been reports of a potential attack, possibly over the next couple of days.

“How imminent is an Iranian attack on Israel?” a reporter asked. 

Biden’s response was not exactly reassuring. He began by saying, “I don’t want to say.” Is that because he doesn’t know how he should answer that question or because he has concerning information he doesn’t want to share? With Biden, you don’t know. 

He was asked again, then he said, “I don’t want to get into secure information, but my expectation is sooner than later.”

He was then asked what his message to Iran was. 

Biden gave an incredibly weak response, which hasn’t stopped attacks in the past, “Don”t.” What bad actor would be stopped by that? 

He started to leave, but then turned around when he was asked if American personnel and assets were at risk.

Biden replied, “We are devoted to the defense of Israel.  We will support Israel.  We will defend — help defend Israel.  And Iran will not succeed. Thank you very much.” 

Was that a “yes” to the question? Notice he didn’t exactly say. 

But his actions undercutting Israel, failing to respond appropriately to Iranian-backed militants with real strength, coddling Iran and releasing money to them, have led us to this point, where they have been emboldened. Now, here they are, making threats. If something happens, it’s Joe Biden who has brought us to this place. 

This was his only public “work” item today, apart from the daily briefing. That took a grand total of nine minutes, including the remarks and couple of questions. Then he booked it out of there for yet another weekend vacation in Rehoboth Beach. 


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