Home Gov & Politics Biden Loses Fight With Teleprompter in Scranton, Has Deeply Concerning Confusion, Blanks on His Home Town

Biden Loses Fight With Teleprompter in Scranton, Has Deeply Concerning Confusion, Blanks on His Home Town

Biden Loses Fight With Teleprompter in Scranton, Has Deeply Concerning Confusion, Blanks on His Home Town


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Joe Biden flew off to Scranton, Pennsylvania on Tuesday for a campaign event. 

Pennsylvania is going to be a critical battleground state — it has 19 electoral votes for 2024, and it’s the only battleground state where Biden is ahead, with a very slight lead, 46.3 to 46.2 in the Real Clear Politics Average.

So Biden is doubtless hoping if he campaigns there, he might have a shot at that one. But the problem is that the more he shows of himself, the more people will be likely to vote for former President Donald Trump. 

Biden got off the plane, headed down the short stairs, and immediately appeared confused, as he stopped on the steps and was looking around.

He immediately said he should “go home,” but then said he was home. 

We would love him to stay there permanently. He might as well have gone home since few people reportedly showed up as he repeated a lot of the same falsehoods he commonly tells about the deficit and the economy. 

But then he had some big moments of confusion when reading his teleprompter, including over who the current mayor was. 

He started trying to say the name “Paige.”  Then he said, “Ah, excuse me, I was gonna talk about the old mayor.” The present mayor is Paige Cognetti. So I’m not sure what he was trying to say there, I don’t think he was either. I think he lost to the teleprompter. 

Then he had more confusion. This is the guy the Democrats intend to nominate in August (at least at this point) and he’s deteriorating by the minute. 

But things really got out of hand when he started screaming about Trump, repeating the “suckers and losers” lie, which he claimed was a “quote.” He keeps saying things that are untrue, not caring that they’ve been debunked. 

“Suckers and losers! He said it” he screamed. “Who does he think he i…these are heroes!”

No, Joe, he didn’t.

But while Trump didn’t say that, Biden did call members of the military “stupid.” 

Then he even had difficulty remembering the name of the town he was in, the place he calls his “home town,” Scranton, seemingly going blank on it as he was talking. 

If he even has difficulty with that, you know he’s getting worse. 


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