'Sit Down': Chuck Todd Is Shown No Mercy After Digging an Even Deeper Hole Over RonnaGate


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Watching the implosions from NBC News/MSNBC anchors and panelists over the hiring of former Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been inject-into-my-veins stuff, with “Deadline: White House” host Nicolle Wallace’s meltdown taking the cake, in my view.

Among those speaking out have been former “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, who on the Sunday program proclaimed “There’s a reason why there’s a lot of journalists at NBC News uncomfortable with this” and that McDaniel “has credibility issues that she has to deal with.”

READ: Pathetic Delusion – the Democrat Operatives at NBC News Wail When a Republican Joins the Roster

Todd is so uncomfortable over the development, in fact, that in response to widespread criticisms of the frenzied on-air open revolt that has been taking place, he took to the Twitter machine Monday, where he doubled down in declaring that this was about “honest journalists” allegedly lending “their credibility” to a media critic like McDaniel:

“The issue isn’t about ideology, it’s about basic truth.  Those trying to make this a left-right issue are being intentionally dishonest.  This is about whether honest journalists are supposed to lend their credibility to someone who intentionally tried to ruin ours.”

Considering Todd’s history of dishonest journalism, not to mention that of his colleagues, it was an absolutely comical thing to say.  Mollie Hemingway, editor-in-chief at The Federalist, responded accordingly:

Further, as my RedState colleague Brad Slager previously documented, Todd whining about “credibility” was especially hilarious in light of the work he and his wife have done on behalf of Democrats over the years:

He has long been a left-leaning hack of a pundit, and his wife is Democrat strategist Kristian Denny Todd. She co-founded Maverick Strategies, a Democrat-favored firm that was hired for campaigns. Her outfit earned over $1.3 million from the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016. Additionally, the couple staged a bundling gathering inside their home for another candidate you could be familiar with in the past [Hillary Clinton].

Simply put, there are credibility issues galore at NBC News and MSNBC that preceded their hiring of McDaniel and that also involve a history of elevating bonafide election deniers like twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and twice-failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams. 

Let us also not forget their starring role, as Hemingway noted, in perpetuating the Russia/Trump collusion hoax nonsense for four years which, in my opinion, was a form of ongoing election interference.

To reiterate a point I made Monday about the media hyperventilating around the McDaniel hire, regardless of what one thinks of McDaniel’s purported leadership at the RNC and her newfound status as a paid political analyst, no lectures from NBC News and MSNBC journos on so-called “election denialism” and “credibility” will be accepted – not now, not ever.

Related –>> ‘Class Act’: Mike Rowe Lauded Over Smooth Handling of CNN Reporter’s ‘Gotcha’ Games

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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