Joe Biden Owns the Open Mexico Border, 9+ Million Illegals So Far, and All the Problems We'll Pay For


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Reelection campaigns are almost always a referendum on the incumbent’s first term. 

In his first – and hopefully last – term, Joe Biden has done so many damaging things to the country he swore to protect. It’s difficult to believe that anyone but his immediate check-cashing family would voluntarily choose 1,460 more days of his disastrous policies, stumbles, and vacant stares.

He enthusiastically spent five trillion new dollars, which ignited the inflation still plaguing American families. He claims the monthly inflation rate is down, but the 18 percent accumulated price increases are not—and never will be.

Or the lethal Afghanistan exit. He ignored Pentagon advice, causing the deaths of 13 service members and unknown Afghan allies left behind. He pronounced the events an “extraordinary success.” 

According to polling, that’s when Americans began deciding they didn’t like him. The exit coincided exactly with the Titanic-like sinking of his job approval, to the present historic low in the 30’s.

What Joe Biden has not – and cannot – claim as any kind of success is his willful erasure of our southern border with Mexico. You’ll notice that was absent from his recent State of the Union Shout. That intentional border subversion alone should be sufficient reason for removing him from the Oval Office in the November election, if not before.

He hasn’t even attempted to explain it. Or justify it. 

Of course, Joe Biden’s stupidities and stumbles are never his fault. Remember when he fell over a sandbag onstage at the Air Force Academy? He was helped up and immediately pointed an accusing finger at the stupid sandbag that somehow got in front of him.

In Pennsylvania this month, President Biden asked voters to “Send me to Congress.” Last week, he declared, “We have among the lowest inflation rates of any country in America!” That would simultaneously seem to make it the highest inflation rate in America.

The southern border has been a chronic U.S. problem for years, as borders often are between rich and poor nations. But it’s never been as bad as under this 46th president. 

Among his numerous constructive acts, Donald Trump negotiated a temporary but effective solution to keep would-be immigrants in Mexico while their claims and cases were examined. Trump was not the first president to say this: “A nation without borders is not a nation.” But the statement rings true still.

A new President Biden canceled that policy outright. He also halted further construction on Trump’s border wall. And sold off steel for the rest of it.

Biden offered no explanation. But he didn’t need to. It was a Donald Trump policy. So, like energy independence, low gas prices, and respect for unborn life, it had to be reversed. So, Biden killed it.

What would you think if Donald Duck’s Uncle Scrooge suddenly and very publicly announced he was opening the blast-proof doors into his immense money vault?

Everyone waiting in Mexico to cross into the U.S. and everyone waiting throughout Central America and to the south began migrating to the north. Thousands of them. Pretty soon, many thousands more of them. Biden aides are now trying to call them “newcomers.”

Why wait in a legal line when the open invitation to enter the Promised Land was so clear? 

Even when evidence emerged that thousands of Chinese and Europeans were also crossing the open border, Biden did nothing but shuffle along a border trail where illegals were not crossing for an empty photo op. At one point, he muttered, “Where am I?”

Even when it became clear China and the drug cartels were using the porous border to funnel fentanyl and other addictive drugs into the U.S., causing record drug overdose deaths, Biden did nothing but call for action and blame Republicans whose border policies he canceled.

Once the illegals were across the border without verification or tracking, the Biden administration transported thousands to inland cities, where they melted into existing illegal communities.

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By early 2024, the federal government estimated more than 9.2 million illegal aliens had crossed into the U.S. just since Biden took office. That is more than the combined populations of Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and San Antonio. 

The flow continues every day. The government estimates over three million more this year.

Then came word that the Biden crowd has also bypassed the border completely by secretly flying more than an additional 320,000 undocumented immigrants into heartland cities in recent months. Guess who’s paying for that?

Why would a president do this secretly? Well, this is a guy who used code names in emails to his son. And because he’s come under mounting pressure from Democrat mayors of so-called sanctuary cities. They can no longer afford the immense additional costs of housing, welfare, education, health care, and even law enforcement with swarms of non-English speaking newcomers. Local taxpayers will foot those bills. 

It’s an election year, and illegal immigration has become the top voter issue. Even generous souls who dump their wallets into Salvation Army Christmas kettles wonder why Joe Biden is fomenting, allowing, and even encouraging such an illegal invasion, then acting like he can do nothing about it.

This president does not explain this policy and intentional sabotaging of national security. With a straight face, he appointed Kamala Harris to address the issue. She visited Guatemala and gave trademark salad remarks. Surprisingly, such leadership did not slow the flow. 

In his second term, Trump has vowed to build immigrant camps for massive deportations, though he’ll have to find them first. He also vowed to build the wall along the entire border and make Mexico pay for it. Neither happened.

Even casual followers of the news could predict that any attempted deportations would become instantly bogged down by Democrat lawsuits and maneuvers.

Suspicions are that in a second term, Biden and his party will argue that with so many illegals now already here, it’s impractical and too expensive to deport more than some of the criminals who walked in unvetted. 

And the presumed intention is eventually to grant illegals residency, driver’s licenses as California has, perhaps citizenship some day, and the right to vote appreciatively for Democrats.

Historically, the United States has welcomed millions of immigrants from its earliest years, when virtually every newcomer was British or foreign-born. They came legally through the immigration door with screening and tracking, not over and under a border fence or across a river.

They were invested in becoming Americans and added much to the nation’s culture and economy. 

The new demographic reality for the U.S. is that existing Americans are marrying later and having fewer children. For a strong, vibrant future economy, the country will need millions of new immigrants to fill the workforce.

I’m predicting that will likely be the Democrat argument for simply accepting the illegal presence of millions and ignoring the millions patiently waiting in line abroad. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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