Home Building & Construction The 17 Best Sheets for Hot Sleepers, According to AD Editors

The 17 Best Sheets for Hot Sleepers, According to AD Editors

The 17 Best Sheets for Hot Sleepers, According to AD Editors


The bottom line: I appreciate the sustainability of the materials used by Buffy; the eucalyptus, which is grown in Austria and the Czech Republic, uses 10 times less water to produce than cotton. Plus, I always like a naturally dyed fabric if I’m really getting close. Finally, with the real cooling abilities and soft feeling of the sheets, I would definitely recommend them to a fellow hot sleeper.

Sijo Eucalyptus Sheet Set

Tester: Mel Studach, associate editor

My sleep preferences: I tend to use just about every excuse possible to linger in bed in the morning, so I know better than to keep my bedroom so cool that I won’t want to get out from under the covers! Ideally, the room is set to around 67 degrees, but other than that, I’m not picky when it comes to sleep needs. When it comes to sheet needs, though, the feel of the fabric has to be ultra-soft.

When made into bedding, specifically at Sijo, the result is incredibly soft, smooth, and hypoallergenic. The sheets remind me of my favorite silk shirt, airy and comfortable yet elegant. They are pleasantly lightweight, meaning that they not only drape beautifully along the sides of the bed, but they are also conveniently breathable—or “naturally cooling,” as the brand puts it.

My experience: I’ve used the Eucalyptus sheets year-round at this point—under a lightweight quilt in the summer and a down comforter in the winter—and they’ve remained silky-soft and wonderfully breathable. I’ve certainly noticed a less humid sleep experience in comparison to my past sheet sets.

The bottom line: I can’t get over how comfortable the set is, and—cooling aside—it has a fabulous sheen to it that still has me like a kid in a pet store, wanting to touch its softness every time I walk by. I’d certainly recommend it to friends, but only with the disclaimer that I don’t want to hear complaints if they (like me) struggle to get out from under these sheets in the morning.

Italic Slumber Eucalyptus Sheet Set

Tester: Rachel Fletcher, senior commerce editor

My sleep preferences: I HATE being hot, hate it. There is something about my constitution that makes my entire body reject the summer temps—and that discomfort is especially heightened when I’m trying to sleep. I was fairly new to the notion that sheets could provide any sort of cooling, so I jumped at the chance to try a bunch of sheets in materials that’d help regulate my body temps.

In the case of these 100% lyocell sheets (eucalyptus is frequently the fiber lyocell is made with), Italic employs the same factories that make sheets for Frette and Four Seasons. Eucalyptus, similar to linen and hemp, is said to be heat/moisture wicking and more sustainable to grow. Unlike linen and hemp, which tend to be a bit more rustic, the feel is super soft and silky.

My experience: These are really lovely sheets! They are cool and, as I mentioned earlier, incredibly soft and silky. It’s a nice way to try a cooling sheet if you’re not wild about the texture of a hemp or linen. The one downside is that they fit rather snugly on my bed and I tend to prefer a little more breathing room, as my mattress is left exposed by a few inches with these.


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