No, we’re still not tired of winning, and it seems the American people, in general, are pretty sanguine about the way things are going. For example, a recent poll indicates that not only have President Trump’s approvals hit an all-time high, but the ratio of the American people who are satisfied with the direction of the country is higher than it has been for 20 years.
That’s a pretty decent indicator. But, as always, there are a few catches.
Three months into his second term, President Trump hit the highest approval rating he’s ever had as commander-in-chief — while more Americans say the country is on the right track than at any point since 2004, a new poll found.
That’s the good news, according to an NBC News Poll released Sunday.
The bad news is that Trump still has not won over a majority of Americans, and 54% said they disapprove of his handling of the economy — the first time he’s lost a majority on that issue in NBC’s poll.
A majority of Americans may be a tough ask, even for Donald Trump, when you consider that he’s had monolithically bad coverage from the legacy media. But that may well change; for one thing, the legacy media doesn’t have a monopoly in news reporting anymore. I mean, just look at where you are reading this. The Trump administration is only getting started, and it is already resulting in higher numbers for President Trump than he’s ever seen. If things get noticeably better, the polling numbers could go up even more.
The other indicator that’s already swinging is the “right track” number:
In another boost for Trump, NBC News recorded that a two-decade high 44% of registered voters believe that the country is on the right track, while 54% believe it’s heading in the wrong direction.
While still pessimistic, that marks the most positive outlook on the country’s direction the poll has found since President George W. Bush was in office 20 years ago.
It’s also a huge swing from the last administration. Last September, just 28% percent of polled voters told NBC News that the country was headed in the right direction — compared to 65% who said it was on the wrong track.
Last September, we might note, the country was on the wrong track – and now, the Democrats are suffering the polling results to reflect that.
See Related: Democrat Party Favorability Rating Falls to Record Low, Crestfallen CNN Hardest Hit
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Media bias, it seems, can’t obfuscate success forever.
President Trump has not yet been in office for the traditional 100-year “honeymoon” period, not that the legacy media has any intention of giving him any honeymoon at all. But it may very well be that the polls are lagging indicators just now; the Trump administration is moving in many directions very quickly, and most people don’t pay as much attention to these things as those of us who are committed political junkies. Most folks base their “right track, wrong track” estimations on whether they have to take out a bank loan to buy a dozen eggs or a second mortgage to fill their car with gasoline.
As I’m fond of pointing out, while the late, great Andrew Breitbart observed that politics is downstream from culture, I’ve always added that culture is downstream from economics. The Trump economic agenda hasn’t even really begun yet. And it is that, as much as anything, that will determine the success of his second term.
See also my friend and colleague Streiff’s breakdown of the entire poll here.