What Kamala Isn't – and Shouldn't Be – Talking About


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Ideally, a vice president (even if the job is worth a bucket of warm spit) is an asset to any presidential administration. They are not only the backup to who is arguably the most powerful person on the planet, but they should bring some particular expertise that the president lacks — in foreign policy, in law enforcement, in economics — in something. The veep can be a valuable partner in the administration, helping shoulder some of the burden of one of the most stressful jobs in human history.

Kamala Harris is none of those things. We know why Joe Biden selected her for the role; the combination of melanin content and plumbing was correct, and Kamala Harris honestly has nothing else to recommend her for any job more complex than sweeping floors.

The Biden 2024 reelection campaign sure seems to be keeping a leash on her. Given her past and her well-documented public speaking skills, that’s probably a good idea.

At a campaign fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday, Harris didn’t address a bruising report from The Wall Street Journal that raised new concerns about Biden’s mental fitness. The piece quoted former Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy asserting that Biden is “not the same person” due to his mental decline.

Nor did Harris mention Trump’s conviction last week on 34 felony counts over his role in a hush-money scheme. She avoided the verdict despite holding an event in San Francisco one day before the former president was scheduled to hold his own fundraiser in town, with tech billionaires David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya.

What Harris did and didn’t say is notable given how Team Biden has increasingly sought to use her as a messenger along the trail: Though Harris has struggled to buck her poor approval ratings in national polls, the campaign still sees her as a way to boost enthusiasm among two key constituencies that, polls suggest, will help determine if Democrats hold the White House: women and Black voters.

Kamala Harris, she of the incomprehensible word salads, seems to be achieving the impossible in at least one area: Her approval ratings are even worse than her befuddled boss. She has no political acumen to speak of and has all the personal appeal of slime mold.

See Related: WATCH: Heartbreak in KamalaWorld After Hilariously Brutal ‘Daily Show’ Skit on Infamous Word Salads 

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Were she to face an actual journalist, one who really wanted to speak truth to power — or at least to try to get a straight answer out of the veep — here are some questions one might ask:

“Some are saying you only initially succeded in politics because of your affair with the then-married, later-Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown. What do you have to say about that?”

“When you and President Biden assumed office in 2021, it was announced that you would be the point person on the border crisis and illegal immigration. How many times have you been to the actual crossing points, and what actions have you, personally, taken to investigate this issue and, as I believe you once said, determine root causes?”

“Follow-up on the above: How would you identify a root cause if you found one?”

“Current polling has both you and the President underwater with regard to job approval ratings. The American people, in several recent surveys, have expressed disapproval of the administration. What is your response to this?”

“Do you think Joe Biden will be able to carry out the duties of President of the United States until 2028, at which point he will be 86 years old?”

“Follow-up on the above: If his condition worsens, would you be up to the task of implementing 25th Amendment proceedings if he cannot be persuaded to step down?”

And finally: “When you lose the election in November, what are your plans after that?”

Of course, we know nobody will ever ask Kamala “Word Salad” Harris any of these things. We know that the campaign apparatus and her own staff will never put her in the position to be asked questions like these. That’s because, while she may try to answer them, her attempts will just provide further evidence of what most of us already know: She’s incompetent.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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