What Fourth Amendment? Harris Camp 'Clarifies' What Kamala Meant by Safe Gun Storage Comments


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Rule of thumb: When a Democrat tells you they are a “gun owner” or that they support the Second Amendment, they are lying. How can you tell? Because whenever a Democrat says “I’m a gun owner,” or “I support the Second Amendment,” that statement is always followed by a “but,” which negates everything they just said.

Kamala Harris is no exception. For someone who was once a state attorney general, she doesn’t seem to care too much about the Fourth Amendment, either. However, some comments she made in 2007 are now coming back to haunt her, and her campaign is having to “clarify” those remarks:

From Fox News chief White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich’s X post:

A Harris campaign aide confirms to FOX the VP was not suggesting searches that would violate the 4th amendment, when she appeared to suggest in a 2007 press conference that police could enter homes of gun owners and make sure weapons are stored properly. 

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home, doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” she said. 

Since her remarks resurfaced, the NRA Legislative Institute has warned, “It is difficult to overstate the impact of Harris’s proposal, were it to be implemented nationwide. Roughly half of American homes would be subject to government intrusion.”

Now, her campaign is claiming, “Oh, she didn’t really mean it.” I’m inclined, for once, to believe that she meant what she said:

An aide tells FOX that Harris was not suggesting searches without a warrant/probable cause – and that she was speaking to violations surrounding the new gun storage laws she was speaking about at the 2007 press conference.

Of course, those “safe storage” laws are rife with problems, and Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom lack the understanding of basic logic to understand that, assuming one living in one of California’s increasingly unsafe cities chooses to keep a gun for protection, would be required by these statutes to keep that gun unloaded and locked away – and when you need a gun in the event of, say, a home invasion, you’re going to need it immediately. That’s where the classic Democrat “but” comes in – “we support your right to keep a gun for self-defense – we just don’t want you to have immediate access to it in an emergency.”

See Related: Nobody’s Buying Kamala Harris’ ‘I’m a Gun Owner’ Shtick

MUST WATCH: Kamala’s Disqualifying Comment About Going Into Homes to Check Guns

So, here’s a challenge for the Harris campaign. Ever since Joe Biden folded his tent and retired to his Rehoboth Beach lounge chair to phone in the remaining months of his presidency, Kamala Harris has been repeating this canard, “Oh, I’m a gun owner.” OK, then, fine. Let’s establish the veracity of that claim. The Harris campaign, in the interest of transparency, can release the make and model of this mythical gun that the vice president and her husband own, and describe how it’s stored. Until then, I’m not buying it. Kamala Harris has given us any number of reasons to doubt anything she says; if she said the sun was coming up, I’d look out a window.

If the Second Amendment is a concern of yours – and the Fourth Amendment as well – there’s only one way to vote in the presidential election, and it ain’t for Kamala Harris.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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