WATCH: Speaker Johnson's Office Has the Perfect Response to Pro-Hamas Agitators Showing Up at the Door


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It’s a day ending in Y, so that means that the pro-Hamas agitators who seemingly never have a job to get to, kids to shuttle to/from school, or any type of time or money obligations are busy harassing Americans who are trying to go about their daily business. On Friday, agitators from “If Not Now” chose to trek to the Capitol office of Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA). They didn’t get a welcome reception, to say the least.

Roll the tape…

That’s not the whole tape, though I don’t blame my friend Ron for focusing on the gratifying part.

In the rest of the video, failed comic Ilana Glazer “explains” to all of us that there’s a “Christian Nationalist” flag outside Johnson’s office and what that allegedly means. Of course, she’s referring to the An Appeal to Heaven flag, which doesn’t have the coded meaning she thinks it has. She refers to Johnson as one of the “foremost voices cheering on Israel’s genocide in Gaza” and also makes a wild claim about Great Replacement Theory.

Regarding the “An Appeal to Heaven” flag, Glazer said:

This flag is from a sect of Christianity that believes that it’s Christians’ god-given right to control all aspects of society, so government, education and everything.

And regarding the Great Replacement Theory, she said:

Congressman Johnson has also endorsed the Great Replacement Theory, which says that Jews are responsible for, like, trying to replace white Americans with people of color.

She closed out the video by claiming that opposition to calling for a ceasefire is supporting the rise of extremism and endangers American Jews:

These members’ opposition to calling for a ceasefire and support of Netanyahu endangers Palestinians, American Jews, and all Americans who are concerned about the rise of extremism and white nationalism within Israel and the U.S., and don’t ever let them tell you otherwise.

Someone should tell Glazer about what happened on October 7 and about the American Jews killed, raped, and taken hostage by Hamas, and about Hamas’ extremist views. As a queer Jew, Glazer wouldn’t last a day in Gaza.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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