WATCH: Scott Jennings Reduces George Conway to a Blithering Mess During Heated Exchange on Trump Verdict


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Perhaps more than any Republican in modern history, former President Donald Trump has a knack for absolutely breaking his critics on the left, in the media, and in the NeverTrump right, with Jennifer Rubin, Rick Wilson, Jim Acosta, and the “Morning Joe” hosts coming to mind as people who would (and still do) absolutely lose their minds (and marbles) on the subject of Donald Trump.

Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway is another one on the NeverTrump right who has a vested interest in keeping Trump hate alive, even if it comes at the expense of what little bit of credibility he may have left.

READ MORE–>> George Conway Fumes at RedState Writer: We Must Ignore NeverTrump’s Daily Lies Because Orange Man Bad

With that said, RedState readers will not be surprised to find out that even amid the guilty verdict against the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee during his politically motivated Manhattan trial, Conway is still one unhappy dude.

As evidence, watch the exchange below between Conway and CNN conservative political commentator Scott Jennings. 

The topic under discussion, of course, was the Trump trial and the announcement of the guilty verdict. Jennings commented that it was probably going to backfire on Democrats after noting that “there is no underlying crime.”

Conway, who audibly sighed and shook his head as Jennings spoke, then proceeded to accuse Jennings of “lying” about the facts of the case. It went downhill from there, not for Jennings but for a highly animated Conway, who was reduced to a blithering mess by Jennings after the Kentucky Republican asked one key question (bolded emphasis added):

CONWAY: I have to say — I mean, look — I mean, you know, Scott’s lying, and that’s the problem with the Republican Party. It is continually addicted to lies.

JENNINGS: Wait a minute. What are my lies?

CONWAY: Your lie — you’re lying. You’re lying, Scott. You’re lying about the law. You’re lying about what the jury was charged to find. They don’t have to find it an underlying crime. They had to find the intent to cover up an underlying crime. And the underlying crime was pretty obvious.

JENNINGS: What was the crime?

CONWAY: You ran for public office, Scott. You — you ran for public office, Scott. You know, you can’t take money from somebody and reimburse them for — you know, if it’s a campaign.

JENNINGS: I’ve never run — I’ve never run for public office.

CONWAY: OK, fine. Well, you — you’re close enough. You’re involved in politics to know that. OK? So that’s the problem with the Republican Party, is that they are suffused with lies. I don’t know why this network is paying Scott to come in and say those lies.


JENNINGS: Here’s my question. If — if it is — if it is an obvious crime, why did the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission take a pass on it?


CONWAY: They should have prosecuted it. It should have been prosecuted on January 21 — on January 21, 2021.

Gotcha! Watch:

Relatedly, George Conway lecturing anyone about alleged “lies” is a lot like Hillary Clinton lecturing someone about keeping their emails secured. It just… doesn’t work.

In any event, hats off to Jennings for being cool as a cucumber under pressure and for having a good laugh over it later on the Twitter/X machine:


Flashback–>> WATCH: Hurt Feelings Erupt After Scott Jennings Reminds CNN Panel Who Hunter Biden Really Is

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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