WATCH: Scott Jennings Nukes Kamala Harris So Badly That Van Jones Can Only Smile


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While CNN continues to be a barren wasteland of unwatchable, hopelessly biased content, one voice continues to cry out from the wilderness. Scott Jennings, who seemingly never takes a day off, was back on Saturday to be the lone voice of reason on the left-wing network. 

Facing off against Van Jones, Jennings was presented with one of the favorite talking points bandied about by Kamala Harris’ defenders. According to their assertions, Harris had no real authority as vice president and thus can’t be held responsible for any of the Biden administration’s litany of disastrous failures both home and aboard. 

RELATED: Hamas Makes Fools Out of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Again

Is that true, though? In a word, no. 

JENNINGS: Well, I mean, I mean normally that’s the case. She’s had a very consequential vice presidency. She’s cast, I think the most ever tie-breaking votes in the Senate of any vice president including on Joe Biden’s specific economic program which drove the country into a massive inflation, inflationary spiral, which everyone is mad about. 

And on top of that, she, in her own words, last person in the room with Joe Biden when they made the disastrous decision on Afghanistan. So I think in some cases you’re right Van, the vice president is relatively inconsequential. She has been a consequential vice president, and I think the consequences have been bad.

By the end of the clip, Van Jones is all smiles because even he knows that what Jennings is saying is unquestionably true. The idea that a vice president is so inconsequential that they can’t be held responsible for the outcomes of the administration they serve in is laughable. I’d be like the COO of a failing company pointing the finger at the CEO and claiming to deserving of a promotion. It just makes no sense. When a person takes on the role of vice president, they own the results even if they aren’t the final decision-maker.

But as Jennings explains, Harris was the final decision maker on a variety of consequential issues, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Rescue Plan, both of which helped cause inflation to spiral out of control. Further, despite recently trying to blame Donald Trump, Harris lauded the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal as a great success and bragged about being the last person in the room when the decision was made. She can’t run from that no matter how hard she tries. 

SEE: Harris Campaign Releases Desperate Statement About Trump and Afghanistan 

Harris defenders want to have it both ways. On the one hand, they want to tout her vice presidential experience as evidence of her qualifications to be president. On the other hand, they want to claim she did nothing and is responsible for nothing. Wouldn’t that logically mean her “experience” is null and void then? 

That’s the conundrum for Harris. If she owns her record, the record is terrible. If she tries to disown her record, she invalidates her experience as vice president. Beyond that, she also puts herself at odds with the president she still serves. All of that is fine for her right now because she’s got the press doing her bidding while she refuses to do any press conferences or serious, solo interviews. At the debate, though, there will be a chance to expose all this if Trump plays his cards right.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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