WATCH: CNN's Zakaria Trots Out 79-Year-Old Actor Michael Douglas to Declare Biden 'Sharp As a Tack!'


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In this episode of Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes…

It’s no secret that the quasi-official Democrat media are desperately trying to prop up mentally-fading Joe Biden with the 2024 presidential election less than seven months away. It happens daily. Still, some of the endless examples are better — more hilarious — than others. This is one of them.

Over at CNN — the absurdly self-proclaimed “Most Trusted Name in News” — CNN’s Fareed Zakaria brought on 79-year-old super-liberal actor Michael Douglas on Sunday to plug his new movie (which isn’t newsworthy) but most importantly, in Zakaria’s mind, to get Douglas to weigh in on the state of Joe Biden’s cognitive capacity, which the aging actor was more than eager to do.

The CNN host nudged Douglas by comparing his age with Biden’s. 

So you and Biden are about the same age. Are you one of those people who wished he had bowed out and let the field choose somebody else? How do you think about that?

What was Douglas to say, given that he and Joe are just two years apart? Anyway, here’s what the noted neuropsychologist [sarc] did say:

Well, I think that I walk a little similar to him. And the people that I’ve talked to and everybody that I have, say he’s sharp as a tack! He’s fine. We all have an issue with memories as we get older, we forget names. He’s overcome a stutter in his life. 

But let’s just say that his entire cabinet, including his vice president, everybody in his cabinet would be more than happy to work with him again in the next term. I cannot say that about the other candidate running because nobody in his cabinet from 2016 wants to be involved with him.

Uh-huh. Gotta be a pretty dull tack, then.

Now fired up, Zakari continued:

Do you — do you think when you — you know, everyone says, yes, he is OK now, but — you know, what’s it going to be like the next four or five years? But you’re —you’re going to work for the next four or five years. You’re not retiring.

Douglas agreed — although just barely.

Well, I’m not. However, I will say we did Franklin in 2022. And after 165 days of shooting, for seven months, I haven’t worked since. So, I took ’23 off and we’re going into ’24. And I must say I’m enjoying the time off. And I think he’ll be fine. Thank you very much.

In other words, “OK, that’s a wrap, Fareed!” 

It’s worth noting that Douglas talked about his “Jewish roots” in the first part of the interview, but shockingly, Zakaria didn’t ask him a single question about Islamist extremism, Iran’s direct attack on Israel, or the raging antisemitism on college campuses. 

The Bottom Line

Joe Biden’s steady cognitive decline presents a sticky-wicket situation for the Republican Party, as the November election looms. 

On one hand, it benefits the GOP to continue to remind America that the 81-year-old guy has no business running for reelection. 

On the other hand, if Biden manages to make it out of the Democratic National Convention in August, it should lead to a GOP victory in November.

So, what to do? Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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