Trump Bronx Rally Proves Democrat Playbook Is Broke, but They Have No Intention of Fixing It


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The Democrat Party has been adhering to that old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” for a long time. Let’s be honest: The decades-long tactics of branding Republicans as racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes have won them a lot of elections. But for any Democrats who might have bothered to witness even a few minutes of Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx on Thursday night or just watched the people who were there and the electric atmosphere that permeated the rally site, they have to know, all the things that have worked in the past for them are not going to work in 2024. 

On the surface, the rally went off like any other Trump rally. Crowd size estimates vary, but it far exceeded the 3,500 that a permit allowed. Trump talked about Joe Biden and the Democrats’ policies that have destroyed the country and, if reelected, how fast he could turn the country around from those policies. One thing that is not talked about much is how a billionaire, someone who has the means to do anything he wants, bonds with ordinary, average, everyday working Americans. The answer to that question is not what he said or did at the rally but what he didn’t do. 

At this or any rally anywhere, Donald Trump is simply himself. At a rally in a place where the population is mostly black and Hispanic, Trump did not feel the need to morph into black preacher mode the way former Vice President Al Gore did, or Hillary Clinton, who felt compelled to tell a black audience, “I don’t feel no ways tired.” Hillary even put a cherry on top of the pandering by saying in an interview with an urban radio station in 2016 that she carried hot sauce everywhere. Donald Trump did not have to whip some hot sauce out of his pocket to “relate” to his audience.

Donald Trump did not pit Americans against each other. In yet another nod to Hillary Clinton, he did not call anyone “deplorable,” and he didn’t call anyone who disagrees with him “a threat to democracy.” Even New York Gov. Kathy Hochul called her own constituents attending the rally “clowns.” He called out the Democrats’ failures, but he was emphatic when he stated that, above all else, we are all Americans. No word on whether the media, which no doubt has been feverishly trying to edit that part out, has been successful. 

Donald Trump didn’t tell citizens of the Bronx that he would be giving them never-ending government handouts or redistributing wealth to them to tackle the borough’s problems. What he did say was that he knew how to repair an economy that Joe Biden and the Democrats have ravaged, so that Bronx residents could pick themselves up by creating jobs, businesses, and education. He didn’t offer them serfdom; he offered empowerment. It is that declaration — that the residents of the Bronx are not victims in any way, that they can tackle their borough’s issues, the same ones many other places in America have, like crime and poverty, by themselves in a way that helps them all succeed.

In his commencement speech at Morehouse College, Joe Biden told the graduates that America hates them because it is racist. He told them they “have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot,” that “black men are being killed in the streets,” and black communities are left behind. Many of those graduates turned their back on Joe Biden and his worn-out scare tactics and his and the Democrats’ every-four-years promises that are designed to get votes but not designed to be kept.

Donald Trump’s best campaign tool in places like the Bronx will be word of mouth. The people who were at the rally will tell their families and friends what Trump says, and that message will be proven to be consistent every time he says it because it is honest. And the best part is that it will spread faster than the media can chop it up. 

The Democrats have to know that their message is broken, but they are not going to try to figure out how to fix it.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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