Trump Adviser Drops Big Polling News on RFK Jr. Endorsement That Kamala Isn't Going to Like


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We’ve been seeing the media try to hype up Kamala Harris since she was handed the nomination on a silver platter, putting out a drumbeat that she was in the lead in the race. With some of those polls, you had to look to the cross tabs and see that they had questionable methodology including oversampling Democrats or having too small a sample to be reliable. So, it’s hard to make a judgment about the polls when you’re getting questionable data. 

Now in the middle of all that, there was an admission by officials with a top, pro-Harris super PAC that their polling for Kamala Harris ‘is much less rosy’ than public surveys” Chauncey McLean, president of Future Forward said this past week. He warned that the race was much closer in the key states. The group has spoken to more than 375,000 people: 

He warned that Harris has yet to fully rebuild the Biden coalition of Blacks, Hispanics and young voters that brought him the White House in 2020.

McLean said polling shows the public wants more detailed policy positions from Harris.

He says they don’t want “white papers,” but they also don’t want platitudes. He says they need more concrete examples of how she may differ from Biden and make their lives easier economically. Trump allies have called on Harris to do the same in recent days, hoping to pin her down on controversial issues.

Then we saw the betting markets flip toward former President Donald Trump, something you wouldn’t expect with the DNC on, you would think the bump would go to them. But it was such a mess and Harris still didn’t put out any real policies or plans. Are Americans really going to be taken in by such a convention? 

But even before we can get to any real poll results to tell, Harris may have gotten a body blow from Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s endorsement of Trump. First, pollster Frank Luntz said that could be the deciding factor in some of the battleground states in favor of Trump. 

READ MORE: Pollster Frank Luntz: RFK Jr. Endorsement Could Very Well Push Trump to the Top in Key Swing States

As the DNC Lied, Kamala Harris’ Odds to Win the Presidency Died According to Betting Site

Now, Trump adviser Tim Murtaugh is talking about Trump internal polling which he says indicates that the bump is going to be “tangible and substantial.”

Murtaugh told NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo on his “Cuomo” program Saturday that polling indicated that in every one of the seven battleground states, the RFK voters break toward Trump, in some of the states, Trump is getting “two-thirds of the RFK voter.” That’s a lot when he’s getting three or four percent in those states, Murtaugh said.  

He continued: “In a state like Pennsylvania, where it could well come down to tens of thousands of votes — a half-point or three-quarters of a point — that may well make the difference.”

Murtaugh pointed out how Harris needs Pennsylvania. Trump is up in the Real Clear Politics average by 0.2 percent–that’s without counting in any potential RFK Jr. bump. 

The Kennedy endorsement has completely changed the subject from Harris, Murtaugh said, and now they’re playing “on Trump’s turf again.”  

You have to imagine a huge meltdown going on behind the scenes on Team Kamala and squashing all the “joy.”

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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