TREACHERY: Far-Left Blogger Reveals JD Vance's Personal Information, Hacked by Iran


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Partisan politics has always been a nasty business — just ask Charles Sumner — but sometimes someone sinks so low, indulges in an act so vile, so opposed to the interests of every American on left or right, as to be truly despicable. Far-left blogger and activist Ken Klippenstein is one of those despicable people, and he has proven it by releasing the Trump campaign’s vetting documents on vice-presidential candidate JD Vance, which documents include much of Mr. Vance’s personal information, including personal emails, phone numbers, and addresses. Those documents were hacked from the Trump campaign, we must note, by Iran. In this effort, Klippenstein has not only engaged in an act of unforgivable treachery that should be despised by Americans on left and right alike but has colluded with a fundamental enemy not only of the United States but of civilization.

This is what Ken Klippenstein has sunk to.

Far-left blogger Ken Klippenstein has published an internal campaign vetting dossier on the 2024 Republican Party’s vice presidential nominee, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH). Klippenstein, who previously worked as a journalist with The Intercept and the far-left progressive commentary web show The Young Turks, posted the material believed to have been hacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran on his Substack on Thursday. The National Pulse is choosing not to link to the dossier, given the plethora of personal information contained therein.

The dossier published by Klippenstein contains a bevy of private information belonging to Vance, including his social security number, personal phone number, physical addresses, and private email addresses. Klippenstein made no effort to conceal other private details and contact information for the vice presidential nominee, potentially constituting a threat to Vance and his family.

We should note that Iran has openly stated their intention to assassinate former President Trump, should the opportunity arise. The assassination of a political leader is generally considered an act of war.

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The threat to JD Vance and his family resulting from this release of information is very real. Klippenstein’s release of this information is, at the very least, callous disregard for the safety of a major political candidate.

The great irony in all this is that some of the information thus revealed may actually increase Vance’s appeal with middle-of-the-road voters, who can and have tipped the balance in presidential elections.

Throughout the vetting document, Vance is revealed to be far less radically right-wing than portrayed by national Democrats and Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. The Ohio Republican comes across as thoughtful and open to a wide array of policies and ideological propositions.

There are no shades of gray here. Ken Klippenstein, in his hatred for anyone seemingly to the right of Che Guevara, has committed an unforgivable act of treachery. He has taken information from an enemy of the United States, information that contains the personal information of a major American political figure, and made it available to any lunatic who may seek to make use of it. That is an act of treachery that cannot go unanswered.

As of Thursday, Ken Klippenstein’s X account has been terminated.

That is a good action for the management of X, but it’s not enough. It’s nowhere near enough. There must be legal consequences for Ken Klippenstein. This is not a free speech issue. This is a national security issue.

We will continue to monitor this issue and bring you updates as events warrant.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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