Transform Children’s Health: Joe Wicks Reveals The Ultimate Nutrition Secrets


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Hey there! I’m Joe, and I love teaching everyone about how eating delicious, home-cooked food can help you become stronger, healthier, and happier.

Joe Wicks Reveals Why Nutrition Is So Important

Nutrition is like a magic ingredient that keeps your body alive. It gives you energy and helps your body grow. It may even help you run faster, grow taller, jump higher, and learn amazing new things. How cool is that?

Different foods have different nutrients in them, so that’s why we like to eat as many different foods as possible to get all the goodness from them.
What are some of your favourite things to eat?

Healthy Foods For Growing Kids

Let’s take a look at some of the best healthy foods you can eat to get lots of different nutrients in your body.

1. Fruits and veggies
I love eating lots of colourful fruits and veggies in my breakfast, lunch and dinner, like strawberries, blueberries, apples, broccoli, tomatoes, and peppers. All these yummy foods are packed with vitamins that boost your energy and make you healthy and happy.

2. Protein power
Proteins help your muscles grow and keep you nice and strong! You can find protein in eggs, meats, and beans. They might even be able to help you do the monkey bars in the park!

3. Whole grains
Whole grains give you energy to keep you awake all day long. They’re in brown bread, brown rice, and oats. Do you ever have oats for breakfast? Me too!

What About Sugar?

Sugar is in lots of yummy foods like chocolate and crisps, but it can make you feel tired and even a little bit grumpy if you eat too much of it. It’s okay to have a treat once in a while.

Joe Wicks’s Top Tips For Healthy Eating

Start Your Day Right: Kickstart your day with a brilliant and yummy breakfast – maybe some delicious porridge with lots of different coloured fruits on top.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking lots and lots of water will keep you refreshed. Do you think you could drink 6-8 glasses a day?

Colour Your Plate: How many colours of different fruits and veggies can you get on your plate at dinnertime?

Remember, by putting healthy and yummy food in your body, you’re helping yourself be the best, strongest and happiest person you can be!
Joe Wicks x


Joe Wicks Recipe’s

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Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams is a writer and editor. Angeles. She writes about politics, art, and culture for LinkDaddy News.

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