Back in the day, the media was rather displeased when a Republican disrupted President Obama as he addressed a joint session of Congress. When Rep. Joe Wilson (SC) dared shout out the two-word retort, “You Lie!” in the chambers, the press developed a case of the vapors over having witnessed such intemperate behavior. Time seems to have softened the media with the coarsening of Congressional mores.
Axios is reporting that Democrats are preparing to act up in a number of ways during tonight’s speech. The outlet soberly reports that there is actually a list of ways the petulant minority party plans to protest – holding up placards, staging walkouts, using noise-makers, or even doing something with eggs are all discussed as possibilities. Democrats are said to be debating the merits of these antics — not trying to stop them, but deciding which methods they feel will deliver the best message.
Democrats Are Planning to Disrupt Trump’s Congressional Speech, Including Eggs and ‘Storming Out’
Also approaching things from the standpoint of support for sophomoric resistance is Time Magazine, as it raves about another display planned for tonight’s event. It seems a gaggle of governmental gals are prepared to dress in similar styles, making for a fashion statement of defiance – they will be wearing “powerful” pink hues.
Dozens of Democratic congresswomen are planning to wear pink to President Donald Trump’s Joint Address to Congress on Tuesday night as part of a coordinated protest against the President’s policies.
Uh-huh, and what policies specifically does the color pink address? Umm, it seems…all of them? It is not really clear, except maybe not including any policies that only negatively impact single men with no one else in their lives.
New Mexico Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández, who chairs the Democratic Women’s Caucus, confirmed exclusively to TIME on Monday that the pink attire is meant to “signal our protest of Trump’s policies which are negatively impacting women and families. Pink is a color of power and protest,” she says in an interview. “It’s time to rev up the opposition and come at Trump loud and clear.”
I just love the concept of Trump holding a press conference on Wednesday morning and declaring that he will be rescinding some of his agenda as a direct result of looking up from the podium and seeing a clutch of ladies festooned in flamingo-hued fashions. “After seeing these representatives wearing carnation colors, I will cancel my Title-IX law affecting women’s sports.” Yeah, sure.
It is made more ridiculous that these symbolic and empty gestures are taken seriously by anyone in the press, considering the failed history of coordinated outfits failing to have a political impact. The last time Trump was in office, the Democrat dames wore all white as a form of protest against the main right they regarded as being threatened. Despite this uniform effort, let’s recall, the Dobbs decision still managed to be issued.
What happened to the color white being the hue of power and protest to be worn in Congress???
Oh, right…that was done to prevent the Dobbs decision from passing…and failed to do so.
— Brad Slager: CNN+ Lifetime Subscriber (@MartiniShark) March 4, 2025
Well, despite that sketchy track record, the ladies of the Congress are undeterred. They will dress up tonight in…resistance pink, we guess? And they will do so proudly and boldly. Just not – successfully.
“Women have worn pink in opposition to Trump before, and we will do it again,” Leger Fernández says.
Uh, sure, you have dressed in opposition — as he passed his agenda and managed to be reelected. Not very promising, but we await the results to see who comes out on top of the fashion contest as “America’s Next Top Representative”!