They’re Going to Try to Kill Trump Again


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Have you ever seen a presidential election turn as dark as this one has, courtesy of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party? 

Yes, we’ve lived through the complicit media taking so-called “October surprises” – which are always aimed at Republicans – as proven fact and exploiting them grotesquely in order to get Democrats across the finish line. Remember the Steele Dossier?

In 2024, however, it looks like Democrats are taking things to such an unprecedented level that it’s not at all crazy to draw this conclusion: They need him dead. 

This is the party of Hillary Clinton, after all.

It’s clear to even the most casual political observer that Kamala is a terrible candidate who is in way over her head. On any given day, many of us are left wondering if her campaign staff actually want her to lose, so bad is the advice she seems to be getting from them. She’s embarrassingly bad on the campaign trail, and there are murmurings that she regularly unloads on her team for not preparing her better. Unfortunately for Kamala, there’s no amount of preparation that will make her a better candidate. She’s just that bad.

Now, here we are, less than two weeks out from the election, and things have gotten so bad for Kamala Harris that there is an obvious effort afoot to take out Donald Trump by any means necessary. Since she couldn’t do it through talent or charisma, she’ll have to do it another way.

The two assassination attempts, so far, against Trump are proof that Democrats have been successfully telegraphing to their foot soldiers that the “orange man” isn’t just bad, he’s a “threat to democracy.” She’s been beating that drum for a while.

Most sane people just blow off that kind of rhetoric as political posturing, but the Democrat Party isn’t exactly teeming with sane people these days. They cater to society’s most unhinged elements, then throw the red meat of “threat to democracy” and “literally Hitler” to them. And then they sit back and watch what happens; that slanted roof in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the sniper’s nest in West Palm Beach, Florida, is what happens when Democrats eat the red meat thrown to them by their overlords.

But, neither of Trump’s would-be assassins was successful, much to the chagrin of the left. That brings us to today, where we find the latest dog whistles from Democrats to their brownshirt underlings: an entirely fabricated article in The Atlantic and Kamala Harris’s highly inflammatory words.

If you need to come up to speed on The Atlantic article, RedState’s Neil W. McCabe has done an excellent job of covering the story and all of the developments related to it. The gist of it is that The Atlantic activist/editor-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, penned an article entitled: “Trump: ‘I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had,'” and relied on the recollections of those oh-so-reliable “unnamed sources” to paint an altogether false narrative that Donald Trump disdains the U.S. military and is obsessed with fascist dictators. 

To prove this, Goldberg falsified a story about Trump refusing to pay the funeral expenses of Army soldier Vanessa Guillen, who was brutally murdered in 2020.

The best part is that numerous named sources, including Vanessa Guillen’s sister and Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows, went on record and denied everything that Goldberg shamefully and dishonestly claimed happened. It’s your standard leftist dreck, but the goal is pretty clear: convince certain people that Donald Trump is an existential threat to the United States, and if Kamala Harris doesn’t have the chops to beat him fairly at the ballot box, and she doesn’t, then something needs to be done to make sure he doesn’t make it to Election Day. 

Because she is just that desperate, Kamala Harris came along and threw gas on the ignominious flames ignited by Goldberg and, as RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar reported, clownishly proclaimed Wednesday:

“Yesterday we learned that Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had. Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the U.S. Constitution; he wants a military that is loyal to him. He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States.”

The subtext isn’t hard for us sane people to grasp, namely that Kamala is sinking fast and isn’t capable of stopping it, but her words aren’t meant for us; her words are meant for her unhinged base in the hopes that they’ll see the words “Trump” and “Hitler” and take action. All of this despite the fact that Donald Trump was president for four years and nary a Nazi-like tactic was deployed during all of that time. 

The Atlantic article and Kamala’s “literally Hitler” rhetoric are trial balloons being floated for the next few days to see just how much outrage they can gin up ahead of her “closing argument” scheduled for next Tuesday. Kamala will reportedly make her last-ditch appeal to voters from the National Mall near the White House, and you can bet she, her advisors, and the Democrat Party elite are salivating over the idea that this fallacious line of attack will finally be Donald Trump’s undoing, whether literally or figuratively. 

Expect her speech next week to be filled with violent histrionics about Donald Trump being a “threat to democracy” because that’s all she’s got. Unless, of course, one of her followers decides to take matters into their own hands, as we’ve seen twice over the last few months. 

Let’s be honest here: Kamala would rather not have to do the hard work of being a good candidate who wins the election on her merits, and she doesn’t have the time or ability to pull off that feat, anyway. Someone else is going to have to save her at this point, and that’s what this most recent news cycle is all about.

This is way beyond politics as usual. It is dark, it is sinister. It’s what happens when Democrats are on the ropes and seeing power slip from their grasp. The last week of the election is going to be brutal, friends, so buckle up. And let’s pray that Donald Trump has the security around him that he needs, particularly in the wake of the left’s not-so-subtle calls to violence.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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