The essential ingredients for new financial year success


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As you embark on a new financial year, many of you are eagerly setting new goals and business plans.

This is a great practice, and now is the perfect time to be doing this.

However, as many of you will know, just because you add extra 10, 20 or even 50 per cent to your previous targets, this doesn’t mean you’ll get that result.

Before there is an external shift in your results, you will require an internal one.

It’s essential to remember a key insight from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits:

“We don’t rise to the level of our goals; rather, we fall to the level of our habits.”

The truth about success

This statement underscores a critical truth about success.

Goals are important for setting direction, but it is our routines and habits, both mental and physical, that determine our outcomes.

Our habits are the small, consistent actions we take every day, and these actions are driven by our identity, which is fundamentally composed of our beliefs.

The sum and substance of those beliefs equates to your belief in yourself or, in other words, ‘self-belief’ and that’s either working for or against you.

The power of belief

Belief in yourself and what you are capable of plays a crucial role in this equation.

Without self-belief, even the most meticulously planned goals can falter.

So, how do you build this self-belief?

The answer lies in doing the actions.

Self-belief is not something that magically appears; it is cultivated through consistent effort and practice.

By repeatedly engaging in positive actions and reinforcing productive habits, you gradually build confidence in your ability.

Each small win, each completed task, each step forward reinforces your self-belief.


One of my favourites and most powerful coaching models is be-do-have.

The order of these is important.

Thinking that once you ‘have’ the outcomes of a successful agent (expensive car, holidays houses and/or overseas trip etc), then you’ll ‘do’ the actions (door knock, phone canvass etc), and then you’ll ‘be’ a great agent, has things in the wrong order.

First you must believe and ‘be’ a great agent, then ‘do’ the actions of a great agent, which reinforces your identity, and then you can ‘have’ the results a great agent achieves.

Your identity and self-belief, or the ‘be’ in this model, is the foundation for your effectiveness and ability to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Who are you becoming?

Remember, your self-belief or identity shapes your habits, and your habits shape your outcomes.

By reinforcing a positive identity, seeing yourself as a capable, resilient, and successful individual, you create a foundation for success.

This identity is reinforced through daily actions and habits.

As you set your goals for the new financial year, focus not only on what you want to achieve but also on who you need to become to achieve those goals.

Align your habits with this identity, and watch as your actions lead to the outcomes you desire.

Building habits for success

To ensure success, focus on developing daily habits that align with your goals.

Here are some strategies to help you build and maintain these habits:

1. Start small: Begin with manageable actions that you can perform consistently. Small wins build momentum and create a foundation for larger achievements.

2. Be consistent: It’s not how long but how often. Consistency is key. Make your habits a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Over time, these actions will become second nature.

3. Track your progress: What gets measured gets done. Keep a record of your actions and progress. This not only helps you stay accountable but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you see how far you’ve come.

4. Positive self-talk: Your inner dialogue matters. Encourage yourself with positive affirmations and remind yourself of your capabilities and although you are not there YET, you are doing the actions. Self-belief grows stronger with positive reinforcement.

5. Learn and adapt: Have a growth (not fixed) mindset and be open to learning from your experiences. If something isn’t working, adjust your approach and try again. Flexibility and resilience are crucial for long-term success.

As you embrace this new financial year, commit to building the habits that will drive your success.

Remember, it is not just about setting lofty goals, but about developing the daily routines that will help you achieve them.

Believe in yourself, take consistent action, and let your habits and identity pave the way to a successful year. 

Before you can put ‘bucks in the bank’, the essential ingredient for this and every financial year should be ‘belief in self’.

Now, that’s a KPI worth striving for.

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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