The Biden Team Wants You to Choose Between Good and Evil – They’re Right, Which Is Why Joe Must Go


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First lady Jill Biden recently implored voters to “choose good over evil” in the 2024 presidential election.

She’s right.

Which is why her husband must be removed from office in November.

Nowhere has that been more evident than with Thursday’s news of Donald Trump’s conviction on all 34 counts in his New York City criminal trial. 

It was a clean sweep in deep blue Manhattan in a case brought forth by a deep blue malicious Democrat prosecutor, handed down by a jury tainted by their deep blue surroundings, in a trial presided over by a judge who donated to President Biden and a group called “Stop Republicans.”

It was blatantly rigged in a manner not seen since the 1919 Black Sox scandal. 

The Biden administration has done its best to distance itself from the New York trial but their fingerprints are all over it. And their track record is tainted with tampering in investigations and trials.

This is, after all, a president who once bragged about interfering in an investigation by a Ukrainian prosecutor into a gas company connected with his son, Hunter.

More recently, in regards to Hunter, President Biden was caught engaging in a surprise visit with a witness expected to testify in his son’s federal gun crime trial.

And Biden, who has insisted time and again that the Justice Department remains a separate entity not under his thumb, was caught having colluded with Attorney General Merrick Garland on the use of executive privilege. Garland advised him to assert such privilege in an attempt to keep audio of the president’s interview with a special counsel (who concluded the leader of the free world was a feeble man in mental decline) locked away.

Garland was also previously caught colluding with the White House and the National School Boards Association (NSBA) on a memo that mobilized the FBI to address parents who “pose a threat” at school board meetings.

And therein begins our dive into the evil that currently sits in the White House.

Biden and his DOJ helped the NSBA deliberately portray parents concerned about their child’s education as domestic terrorists. A letter sent by the NSBA to the president requested an investigation into whether confrontations from outraged parents regarding mask mandates or Critical Race Theory (CRT) curricula amounted to a violation of the Patriot Act.

The group suggested at the time that “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The White House helped craft the letter. Which was then sent to the White House. Leading to the DOJ mobilizing against parents. The FBI even went so far as to create a tag for threats targetting parents in a manner typically reserved for counterterrorism investigations.

Treating parents concerned about their kids as terrorists is evil.

Then, of course, there is the case involving Rebecca Lavrenz. Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother from Falcon, Colorado, was recently convicted on four federal misdemeanor charges for trespassing at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

She attended the rally by herself, wearing a red scarf and a white hat, and joined a group of people praying outside the Capitol for about an hour and a half.

Lavrenz is awaiting her sentencing. She could face up to a year in prison and be ordered to pay fines of more than $200,000. The fines are excluding legal fees.

She wandered inside the Capitol that day, after others already had, for a grand total of 10 minutes. Praying. 

Lavrenz is but one of many seniors (and hundreds of others) who had ancillary contact with the protest and were charged and convicted on trumped-up charges of obstruction of an official proceeding.

Jailing grandmothers and ordinary citizens for the crime of peacefully protesting is evil.

Need further evidence? Take the ongoing assault on Americans with pro-life sentiments.

President Biden’s Justice Department ramped up indictments involving alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) to jail pro-lifers, several of whom are grandmothers.

Attorney General Garland has, from an early point in his tenure, been a proponent of using the FACE Act to “protect those seeking to obtain or provide reproductive health services.”

Anyone found guilty of violating the FACE Act faces up to 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines.

Pro-life protestor Mark Houck was accused of pushing an abortion clinic escort in Philadelphia. Local prosecutors had declined to pursue the case, but the feds took over and sent a team of armed FBI agents to his home, arresting Houck in front of his wife and children.

Houck’s charges similarly fell under the FACE Act. Garland and his minions used armed agents in a case involving somebody being pushed.

A federal jury later acquitted Houck, but pursuing protesters under the threat of armed conflict — all because they don’t want babies to die — is evil.

For all the arguments that it would be Trump who would turn the United States into a dictatorship, the real threat is sitting in the White House as we speak.

And yes, it’s quite obvious President Biden is, in some cases, the master of puppets in his pursuit of Trump, and in others, Democrats are simply serving at his behest, hoping to curry favor should he win reelection. Fidel Castro would be nodding his head in approval over how Biden has aggressively pursued his main political rival.

But it isn’t just Trump he’s directed his actions toward. The former president is simply in his way in an effort to go after pro-American patriots — people like you and me.

A Newsweek report this past October serves as confirmation that anyone supporting Trump is actively being targeted by the FBI specifically due to their political beliefs – something which never could have previously been imagined in a country founded on fundamental freedoms.

The opening paragraph of the report is enough to send chills down one’s spine.

“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

Newsweek revealed that the FBI even created a new category to keep track – AGAAVE — “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism” – and that, as such, the vast majority of the FBI’s “current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters.”

The weaponization of the federal government against its own people – or, at a minimum, half of them – is evil.

Of course, you need not be swayed by all of the aforementioned evidence. One only needs the eye test to determine what America is currently dealing with.

President Joe Biden, in a borderline dictatorial speech in September of 2022, vilified “MAGA Republicans” as extremists and a “threat to this country.”

He telegraphed what his intentions were. If you’re a “threat,” then you must be dealt with as such.

Fox News host Charles Payne has argued that Biden’s anger and vitriol towards his political opponents is the biggest threat in this nation right now.

“That is something that is really detrimental to this country,” said Payne. “That the President of the United States despises half of the United States … he has expressed hatred for half of the country.”

There aren’t many autocrats in history who aren’t motivated by hatred. And hatred begets evil.

The late conservative warrior Andrew Breitbart once told conservatives that they absolutely must band together to stop the scourge of evil permeating politics in this country.

In a 2012 speech, Breitbart encouraged conservatives to get behind a good candidate no matter who that person might be.

“Anyone that’s willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker,” Breitbart told the crowd.

“And if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with [a certain] candidate, more than shame on you!” he added. “You’re on the other side!”

Trump is that candidate. He is paying a price for being that candidate. And nothing else, for the survival of this country, matters.

The 2024 presidential election is very clearly a choice between good and evil. Right versus President Biden.

Are you ready to fight from that bunker? Or are you on the other side?

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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