Another month of books, another month of book covers. Here are the designs bringing a little bit of light to an undeniably dark few weeks:
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Elias Canetti, The Book Against Death; cover design by Jamie Keenan (New Directions, November 5)
Yáng Shuāng-zǐ, tr. Lin King, Taiwan Travelogue; cover design by Kimberly Glyder (Graywolf, November 12)
A beautiful, layered evocation of a train window.
Richard Price, Lazarus Man; cover design by June Park (FSG, November 12)
I love the sensory experience of this cover, and the subtle surprise of the depth.
Sergio de la Pava, Every Arc Bends Its Radian; cover design by Natalia Olbinski (Simon & Schuster, November 12)
Weird and bold and pretty great.
Georges Bataille, The Absence of Myth (reissue); cover design by Matt Dorfman (Verso, November 19)
A perfectly surreal, and perfectly charming, new cover for Bataille.
Ann Moschovakis, An Earthquake Is a Shaking of the Surface of the Earth; cover design by Gregg Kulick (Soft Skull, November 19)
The unusual text treatment intensifies—and glorifies—the more typical landscape format. (The crater helps too.)
Solvej Balle, tr. Barbara J. Haveland, On the Calculation of Volume (Books 1 & 2); cover design by Matt Dorfman (New Directions, November 26)
The first two volumes of a planned seven; I can’t wait to see the whole set together.
Emily Mester, American Bulk: Essays on Excess; cover design by Derek Thornton, art by Scott Greene (Norton, November 26)
When the art is just perfect.
Naomi Wood, This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (Mariner, November 26)
The uncanny upside-down-ness sticks in my head.