TDS-Riddled Carville's Back and He's Crazier Than Ever: ‘Entire Idea of the United States Is in Jeopardy’


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During veteran Democrat strategist James Carville’s heydays of power, the “Ragin’ Cajun” was a force to be reckoned with. Among his accomplishments — from a Democrat perspective, anyway — he was the architect of Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 run for the White House.

Now 80 and clearly in the late stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Carville has become a pathetic, catastrophizing caricature of his former self. 

During a Wednesday appearance on disgraced former CNN host Chris Cuomo’s podcast — wait, Cuomo has a podcast? — Carville put on one of his most delusional, melodramatic, scaremongering performances in recent memory.

Carville’s bottom line: The second term of President Donald Trump is the most “serious crisis” the United States has ever faced. Yeah, ever.

I’ll shred Carville’s idiotic — yet hilarious — hyperbole, momentarily, but let’s first let James ‘splain his “reasoning” as only he can (emphasis, mine):  

I think right now, and I’m going be very serious — I’m 80 years old — I think this is the most serious crisis that this country has ever faced. I think the entire idea of the United States is in jeopardy. I really do. 

I think it’s fundamentally that profound a problem. And I think if the Democrats act clever and determined, understand where they stand at this moment in history, I think that it would be very successful.

Really, James? 

Worse than a civil war that saw this country rip itself apart at the seams, resulting in an estimated 620,000 military and civilian deaths? Worse than the December 7, 1941, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor killed nearly 2,500 people and destroyed or severely damaged much of the the U.S. Pacific Fleet? And worse than the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack that left roughly 3,000 dead? 

Careful, James — your delusional TDS is showing. 


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Carville continued spewing to Cuomo, attempting to make a case for his ridiculous claims:

We have a president who is siding with Belarus and North Korea and Russia. I’m sorry, that’s a crisis. We have a president that has appointed some of the most incompetent people you can imagine to the United States Congress

We have a president who is starting a trade war with our three biggest trading partners and we’re watching the beginnings of which could be a financial meltdown that we can hardly imagine. We have a president who does not respect our institutions, does not respect the limits to powers, the separation of powers that we have in our Constitution

I can think of no bigger crisis that this country has been in in my lifetime. Ever. I think we’ve had presidents who have made mistakes. The Iraq War being one — I thought they did it because they thought it would work, they didn’t do it because they thought it would hurt the United States. I think they were wrong. I am not convinced at all that Donald Trump loves the United States.

How fun. To shred, I mean. Let’s get started.

First, I was unaware that the president of the United States “appoints” members of Congress. Second, while my views on tariffs differ from those of Donald Trump — including the fundamental reality of who pays them and who doesn’t— I’ll pass on the “trade war” talk. For now, anyway.

And Carville — like all Trump-loathing Democrats — believes that Trump doesn’t love the United States because our 47th president is in the process of dismantling years of Democrat madness that has practically brought this great country to its knees; not the least of which has been former President Joe Biden’s intentional Southern Border crisis that has resulted in millions of illegal aliens streaming into the United States, a growing number of whom have committed violent crimes. 

Yet Carville, like a majority of Democrats, still doesn’t get it, despite a decisive 2024 presidential election win that saw untold numbers of Democrat voters — including Black and Hispanic voters — cross party lines and vote for Donald Trump. 

Better yet? I doubt that Mr. Carville and a majority of Democrats will ever get it. Let’s hope not, anyway.

President Trump’s administration has radical Democrats in panic mode, and their childish protests won’t stop all of the winning.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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