Tag: way

12 California experiences to add to your bucket list, one for every month of the year

Has it occurred to you that civilization might be overrated?Me too. So I’ve...

Why scientists say we are fighting H5N1 bird flu with one hand tied behind our backs

As the H5N1 bird flu virus steamrolls its way across the globe — killing wild animals, commercial livestock and even some people...

Opinion: Why travel and suffer through LAX, flights, lost luggage? Here's one good reason

As an L.A. native and a professional traveler, I know getting a ride to LAX is rarely fun. But even I was...

Requiem for the unclaimed dead

On a grassy hillside just east of downtown Los Angeles, a few dozen mourners gathered last week to pay respects to 1,865...

Political stress: Can you stay engaged without sacrificing your mental health?

It’s been two weeks since Donald Trump won the presidential election, but Stacey Lamirand’s brain hasn’t stopped churning.“I still think about the...

Is this "slow" strength training method the fountain of youth? L.A.'s 90-year-olds say yes

DeLoyce Alcorn is 92 years old — and pressing nearly four times that in weight at the gym.On a recent Wednesday afternoon,...