Tag: Roth IRA

Thinking About a Roth Conversion? Here's When Vanguard Says It Makes Sense

Vanguard’s BETR analysis is a more precise method for determining whether an investor should consider...

Ask an Advisor: My Wife Did a $40K Roth Conversion in a Low-Tax Year. Does She Really Need to Wait 5 Years to Withdraw...

I encouraged my wife to take a $40,000 Roth conversion in a lower tax year. Even though she has...

IRA expert: Why traditional retirement accounts have become the worst asset for estate planning

Listen and subscribe to Decoding Retirement on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. Those saving...

Americans Beware: Suze Orman Explains The Little-Known Trick To Dodge The Social Security 'Tax Torpedo' And Retire With More Money

Suze Orman recently dropped a golden nugget of financial wisdom on her podcast, urging listeners to consider only having Roth retirement accounts.“The best...