Tag: IRS

IRS to audit corporate-jet use at dozens of companies. The tax collector wants to make sure ‘high-income groups aren’t flying under the radar.’

IRS enforcement efforts are reaching higher altitudes with a new initiative that will check whether deep-pocketed businesses are following tax rules on corporate-jet...

How not to get scammed like the financial-advice writer who lost $50,000 to fraudsters: ‘There are a million things I wish I had done...

A financial-advice writer is drawing intense criticism and sympathy after revealing that she was scammed into putting $50,000 in cash in a shoebox...

Doubt over the child tax credit is causing people to delay filing taxes. Should you wait, too?

It hasn’t worked out that way, putting Leanna Jones in a bind. The Hunterdon County, N.J., mother of two has lots of reasons...