Tag: h5n1 virus

As bird flu outbreaks rise, piles of dead cattle become shocking Central Valley tableau

TIPTON, Calif.  —  There’s a sickness hovering over Tulare County‘s dairy industry.On a recent 98-degree afternoon, dead cows and calves were...

Number of California dairy herds infected with H5N1 bird flu rises to 17

California officials have ordered bulk milk testing for dairy farms within six miles of herds infected with H5N1 bird flu, as well...

As human cases of bird flu grow, feds say flu vaccine could help prevent a new pandemic

Although health officials say the risk of H5N1 bird flu infection is still low for the general population, they announced on Monday...

Bird flu infections spread among workers at Colorado poultry farm

Five poultry workers at a farm in northeast Colorado have been infected by the H5N1 virus, according to Colorado’s department of public...