Tag: FCC

FCC rule would make carriers unlock all phones after 60 days

The FCC wants to make it significantly easier for consumers to unlock their phones from their carriers, proposing that all devices must be...

$6M fine for robocaller who used AI to clone Biden’s voice

The FCC has proposed a $6 million fine for the scammer who used voice-cloning tech to impersonate President Biden in a series of...

FCC proposes all AI-generated content in political ads must be disclosed

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has floated a requirement that AI-generated content be disclosed in political ads — but not banned. Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel...

US fines telcos $200M for sharing customer location data without consent

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said on Monday that it is fining the four U.S. major wireless carriers around $200 million in total...

FCC officially votes to reinstate net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission made its official vote Thursday to reinstate net neutrality, passing an order titled Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet....

Net neutrality won’t survive a Trump presidency

Net neutrality’s long trip toward (then away from, then toward again, then away, and now once more toward) federal protections against broadband meddling...