Despite playing the Man of Steel in four movies, Christopher Reeve never considered himself a hero. The strikingly handsome, larger-than-life actor believed he...
Erik Michael Estrada, Trevor Penick, Dan Miller and Jacob Underwood Gerardo Mora/Getty Images
O-Town promises to never stop performing all of their hits...
Nikki Glaser, Taylor Swifts and Travis Kelce Getty Images (3)
Comedian Nikki Glaser is a major Swiftie, which includes supporting both Taylor Swift’s...
Jillian Michaels Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images
Jillian Michaels took Us on a journey reliving her most memorable meals over the years — especially what...
Joey Fatone That’s4Entertainment/Kristin Locurto
There are no current plans for an ‘NSync reunion tour, but if anything changes, Joey Fatone has already drawn...