Tag: Early years education

SEND Success: Parents And Teachers Must Know This

Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is a collaborative effort. Parents and teachers play the most significant roles in a...

4 Simple Ways To Boost Oral Health In Early Years Settings

As early years practitioners, ensuring the health and happiness of the children in our care is at the heart of everything we do....

Hidden Prejudice In Early Years: The Shocking Truth You Need To Know

As all good early years practitioners know, every action, decision, and reaction we make is watched carefully by the young people in our...

Asthma In Early Years: What Every Nursery Needs To Know

Asthma is a disease that has been recognised for thousands of years. The Greek physician Hippocrates linked symptoms to environmental triggers around 400...

Celebrating Women: 10 Activities to Inspire Children

March is a special month for celebrating the incredible women in our lives. With International Women’s Day (8th March) and Mother’s Day (30th...

The Expanding Free Childcare Scheme – Everything You Need To Know!

The UK government has recently introduced a new ‘free childcare’ scheme aimed at supporting working parents/carers and providing children with quality early education....