Tag: downtown

Two Bit Circus is back as a Santa Monica pop-up — with a 'space elevator' from the future

Before me stands a glistening silver box — sleek, elegant and with boldly defined protruding vertical lines, giving it an ever-so-slight vintage...

Tell us: What smells remind you of L.A.?

There’s no single smell that defines Los Angeles. Certain scents are often linked to the bustling streets of downtown or the verdant...

Want to play games under the stars? The Music Center is turning into an outdoor arcade

The game started as an experiment. A way to look at emergent behavior — the coordinated and mesmerizing flight of a flock...

Looking for good vibes in L.A.? 22 readers share their 'happy place'

“Just before visiting Los Angeles in summer 2008, I read a story in the Los Angeles Times about the opening of the...