Tag: culture

July 2024 Horoscope: The 5 Signs Reevaluating Relationships This Month

June was a whirlwind and a half, wasn’t it? The alignment of most personal planets (the sun, Mercury, and Venus in particular) with...

9 Books on Cooking to Devour If You Love ‘The Bear’

Sitting down to read a novel and feasting on a delicious meal might not be as different as you think. For one, there’s...

How Henry Zankov Became the Fashion World’s Go-To Sweater Guy

When Henry Zankov was a child, he set up a make-believe clothing store in his bedroom. “I would say to my brother, ‘What...

A glorious gut punch, pig heads on platters and acid jazz: The Euro 2024 anthems – rated

With the Euro 2024 group stage done, we’ve heard all 24 national team anthems three times. It is time to say goodbye to...

‘Janet Planet’ Director Annie Baker on Transitioning from Stage to Cinema

When Annie Baker opens a new play, it's an event. Over the past 15 years, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright has become one of...

Why Pop's Hyperpop Rebrand Craze Is the Sign of a Dying Genre

“Rip Hyperpop? Discuss,” Charli XCX tweeted back in 2021, effectively declaring the end of a very online subgenre of music she herself helped...