Shock Polls: Trump Edges Biden in Two Blue States That Haven't Gone With the GOP for President in Decades


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Polling outfit Decision Desk HQ released some stunning numbers Friday, showing Donald Trump ever so slightly ahead in two blue states that went for Biden in the last election, which could spell doom for the president’s reelection if they turn on him in November. The survey showed Trump up an ever-so-teeny 0.2 percent in Virginia and an absolutely eye-opening 1.6 percent in Minnesota. 

The Gopher State’s numbers are not stunning because the former president is so far ahead—1.6 percent is a small margin—but because he’s even close in a state that Biden won by seven last time around. It’s got to be a good sign for the Trump campaign—and an ominous one for the Biden team—that Trump is even competitive in the deep-blue state where the George Floyd/BLM riots originated. 

But at least in this poll, competitive he is:

And it’s not the only poll showing Trump taking Minnesota; Team Trump celebrated another one released by McLaughlin and Associates that shows Trump up no matter who else is on the ballot:

Poll Highlights

The poll outlines three different ballot scenarios:

  1. Four-Way Ballot: Excluding Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s lead increases to 5 points over Biden, with a distribution of 44% for Trump and 39% for Biden. Jill Stein and Chase Oliver’s support rises to 5% and 1%, respectively, while undecided voters remain at 11%.

  2. Head-to-Head: In a direct contest between Trump and Biden, Trump holds a narrower 2-point advantage, with 47% compared to Biden’s 45%. The undecided voters in this scenario are 8%.

A Republican presidential candidate hasn’t carried the state since 1972—52 years ago—when Richard Nixon prevailed. Trump’s ground team has been at work trying to change the narrative that he can’t win there:

Trump Making a Play for Minnesota While Biden Stumbles and Fumbles

In Virginia, meanwhile, Trump’s numbers have also been on the upswing:

Those Poll Numbers in Virginia Just Got Worse for Joe Biden

The former president could also strengthen his position in the Old Dominion State, which hasn’t been carried by a Republican presidential candidate since 2004, by picking Gov. Glenn Youngkin as his running mate.

Tales of the McCabe: If Trump Picks Youngkin He Sets Up a 12-Year Ticket

Polls are polls, and they’re often wrong, we all get it. Nevertheless, they are usually wrong in the Democrats’ favor, so the Trump camp has to be pleased with these results, while the Biden gang’s panic attacks will likely only worsen. Biden’s policies have made life worse for the average American, and as he continues to disintegrate daily before our eyes, it appears that more and more of his once-reliable supporters are wondering, “Can we go on like this?”

Perhaps Minnesotans and Virginians are asking the famous question, “Am I better off than I was four years ago?” For the vast majority of Americans, the answer is a resounding “no.”

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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