Senile Biden's Interview With TIME Goes Way Off the Rails; He Even Challenges the Reporter to a Fight


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If you want to know why the Department of Justice is doing everything it can to block Joe Biden’s special counsel interview from seeing the light of day, the interview he just did with TIME provides all the reasoning necessary. Saying that this thing went off the rails might actually be too low-key. Perhaps I should have work-shopped the headline a bit more.

Yeah, it’s that bad, and the crescendo of the President of the United States challenging the interviewing reporter to a fight is proof enough of that. We’ll get there, but let’s start with this exchange on inflation, which TIME actually went back and fact-checked. 

RELATED: ‘Calm and Steady’ Joe Biden Flips His Lid on Reporter During Senility-Filled Trip

“Wage increases have exceeded what the cost of inflation,” Biden says, making no grammatical sense at all. Instead of finishing his point (which is a lie), though, he launches into an angry rant about “shrinkflation” and “price gouging.” Read this sentence and try to make sense of it.

You have everything from shrinkflation to what’s going on in terms of the way in which they’re artificially moving significantly to increase, their, their, their, their, their profits. 

As TIME’s fact-check points out, nothing the president said there is true. Wages have not outrun inflation over Biden’s term. There’s also no evidence the current situation is a result of “price gouging.” Further, “shrinkflation” is the result of inflation. Companies want to keep prices low, so they cut back on how much of a product they include. 

Regardless, Biden really shouldn’t have done this interview because things just got worse the longer it went on. Here he is, mixing up Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. TIME had to offer an editor’s note to clarify.

I would be bold enough to suggest that if someone is going to be the president, they shouldn’t continually mix up countries and leaders, given the geopolitical stakes at play. This kind of thing has become commonplace for Biden, though. His brain simply isn’t nimble enough to keep everything straight, and when he gets into a situation where he needs to answer questions, disaster is sure to follow. 

Then there was this. Then…there was this. 

The last two years of Presidents, two-term President’s tenure are usually focused on foreign affairs. You are 81 years old, and would be 86 by the time you left office. Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man?

Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know.  You’re looking at me, I can take you too.

Joe Biden is a feeble 81-year-old man who finds walking up the stairs difficult, but he decided to snap at a reporter by challenging him to a fight. What a scene. “I can take you too,” the President of the freaking United States says. Do you feel the norms being restored?

The rest of the interview isn’t much better. You can check out the full thing by clicking here.

Look, the buck stops with Biden, but what are his handlers doing by putting him in these situations? And this happened with one of the most friendly outlets out there. Imagine what he’s going to look like at the debates if he gets even the slightest amount of pushback from a moderator. Biden is senile, and those around him are too scared to keep him out of the spotlight. That’s a bad combination.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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