Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona Sends School Choice Crowd Into Frenzy After Curious Post on X


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The Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, has the school choice crowd in a frenzy after he posted a curious message on X Saturday. 

Corey DeAngelis, a prominent school choice advocate endorsed by Donald Trump, was quick to reply.

Cardona was most definitely not advocating for school choice, but the words were so perfect that they could have been said directly from DeAngelis or any other school choice advocate’s own mouth. 

The liberalization of schools has become rampant. One of the biggest concerns is gender ideology and what is being taught to our children about sex. Parents are not asked what topics they want to be covered or how they want them covered, and they have virtually no rights to contest with the school. Some states also have stricter homeschooling laws, which make it even harder for the parents, if not impossible, to have control over what ideology is being taught to their children. Is this what Cardona was referring to? Because this is how millions of Americans feel under the education system he leads. 

He also tweeted on Friday a claim that the Biden-Harris team is helping kids everywhere to thrive, in comparison to others who just sow strife. In reality, the Left’s blatant agenda in the schools is exactly the reason we are seeing more division now than ever. 

Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik founded the viral social media account in a somewhat accidental way by simply sharing videos during COVID. Over time, she found that exposing teachers for their extremely liberal agendas became something parents everywhere were resonating with. 

“When you see the same thing over and over again, you start to realize and it starts to dawn on you how pervasive this is. In the beginning, the Left used to say that I’m, like, cherry-picking the worst of the worst…but then, you see it over and over again and here I am, three years later and every single day there’s more content.”

Our issue is that government officials like Miguel Cardona say things that sound nice—like respecting parents over the government in school—but then they do things that show the exact opposite: they are loyal only to their party and the power they want to have over Americans. Let’s also not forget his harassing email from last month promoting the Democratic party to student loan holders everywhere. 

Another recent and notable example of audacious overstepping is that California Governor Gavin Newsom just passed a bill that will “prohibit school districts from requiring staff to disclose to parents information related to a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and will protect school staff from retaliation if they refuse to notify parents of a child’s gender preference.” As RedState reported, this controversy was the last straw for Elon Musk who said in response he would move his space company headquarters out of California and into Texas. 

Using Cardona’s own words against him, what does this mean for parents who “don’t want politicians dictating what their children can believe?” Parents everywhere should take Cardona’s tweet for the gaslighting that it is. 

The Left has consistently shown its commitment to its agenda and its refusal to give up the control it has over our schools. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, family is on the ballot this November. With Kamala and Walz being the most far-left candidates we have ever seen on a presidential ticket, there is a lot at stake. We must vote for the candidates who will protect the American family, promote parents’ rights, and really help children thrive. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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