Rallying With The Way to Happiness and its Message of Human Understanding and Peace to Help Avert Predicted Riots During South Africa's Elections


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Despite a contentious election, not a single act of violence was reported throughout the country. 

A diverse and eclectic team of volunteers mobilized on election day, May 29, at Castle Kyalami, Scientology headquarters for Africa. More than 400 joined the initiative to promote a fair and peaceful election by promoting the precepts of The Way to Happiness, the nonreligious common-sense guide to better living written by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. They wanted to do their part to back up officials, police, churches and other nonprofits that were working to ensure a peaceful election and keep the democratic process working.

 Volunteers gathered at Castle Kyalami in Johannesburg, South Africa and set out to polling places across the nation to help ensure a safe and peaceful election by handing out copies of The Way to Happiness.
 Volunteers gathered at Castle Kyalami in Johannesburg, South Africa, and set out to polling places across the nation to help ensure a safe and peaceful election by handing out copies of The Way to Happiness.

In addition to the Scientologists who gathered to carry out the project, teams included pastors, bishops, archbishops, and members of diverse denominations. They were joined by influencers, prominent community leaders, concerned businesspeople, and UN International Ambassadors for
Peace. Each volunteer collected sets of The Way to Happiness booklets as they headed out to 80 polling stations across the country. They delivered more than 66,000 copies, presenting each booklet personally to individuals and encouraging them to pass them on to others to share the message of peace and empowerment.

Volunteers described the response to The Way to Happiness as “transformational”—both for themselves and those receiving the booklets. 

Many read the
booklet while waiting in line at their polling place and returned to the volunteers to ask for more copies for
family and friends. 

Seeing the book’s potential, some asked to establish partnerships. A mining executive asked for a presentation on how he could use The Way to Happiness in his company.

Local shops joined the movement, taking boxes of The Way to Happiness and personally handing them to customers and staff. Taxi drivers took copies to hand to passengers. 

Several people who volunteered with the program for the first time that day expressed their delight at seeing the book’s impact on those receiving it.

A TV station interviewed one of the campaign organizers. The reporter was taken aback to learn that the volunteers were doing this to ensure happy and safe elections. He realized the campaign promotes human understanding, tolerance, social cohesion, and a positive personal outlook for the future.

One pastor, who was serving as an external expert in cross-checking election
results, expressed how moved he was by the program. This is exactly the kind of
practical initiative every church needs for its congregation, he said.

All concerned were thrilled to learn that despite apprehension that riots might erupt at the polls, the voting was peaceful. Not a single act of violence was reported. They were proud to have done their part and contributed to bringing this about along with people of goodwill across the nation.

The future still holds many challenges, including how South Africa will deal with the election results, in which no party won a majority. But the campaign brought home to many that there is every reason to be optimistic—that it is in their hands to fulfill Mandela’s vision of a democratic and free society in which all persons can live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.

In the first chapter of The Way to Happiness, L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “You are important to other people. You are listened to. You can influence others. The happiness or unhappiness of others you could name is important to you. Without too much trouble, using this book, you can help them survive and lead happier lives. While no one can guarantee that anyone else can be happy, their chances of survival and happiness can be improved. And with theirs, yours will be.”

The Way to Happiness fills the moral vacuum in an increasingly materialistic society. It contains 21 basic principles that guide one to a better quality of life. This code of conduct can be followed by anyone of any race, color, or creed and works to restore the bonds that unite humankind.

To learn more about how changemakers of all nationalities and faiths use The Way to Happiness to uplift society, watch episodes of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network. 

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Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams is a writer and editor. Angeles. She writes about politics, art, and culture for LinkDaddy News.

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