Proptech Labs acquires reHeroes to enhance AI-driven PM solutions


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Proptech Labs, a leader in AI first technology solutions for property management, has acquired reHeroes, a prominent innovator in the property management space.

The acquisition marks a significant expansion for Proptech Labs, which previously acquired Maintenance Manager and Inspection Manager in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

The reHeroes acquisition brings with it more than 130,000 properties and 415,000 users, along with 3200 property managers.

Over the past two years, reHeroes has achieved a remarkable growth rate of 386 per cent, a testament to its robust platform and leadership.

Proptech Labs has extended its gratitude to the founders of ReHeroes for their exceptional efforts and achievements in reaching the milestone.

Ben Burton, Co-founder of reHeroes, expressed his enthusiasm for the acquisition.

“This is a transformative development for both our team and our customers,” he said.

“By joining Proptech Labs, we are poised to integrate further AI capabilities into our platform, enhancing our operational efficiency and the overall user experience, in addition to linking to their other platforms of maintenance, inspections, invoicing and key solutions.

“This acquisition not only expands the technological base but also broadens our horizons in innovating property management solutions.”

Rafael Niesten, Co-founder of Proptech Labs, shared his vision for the integration.

“The acquisition of reHeroes is more than an expansion of our market presence—it’s a significant enrichment of our technological arsenal,” he said.

“We plan to seamlessly integrate the reHeroes’ platform with our existing AI technologies and platforms.

“This will involve embedding sophisticated AI tools into every layer of the property management process, from automated tenant inquiries and predictive maintenance algorithms to AI-driven decision support systems for property managers.”

The strategic integration will focus on three core areas:

  1. Enhanced data analytics – By leveraging AI to analyse data across the combined network of properties, Proptech Labs aims to provide more precise predictive insights into tenant and owner traits, maintenance needs, and market trends.
  2. Automation of routine tasks – AI will automate routine communications and transactions, such as rent collections and service requests, freeing up property managers to focus on more complex issues with value-add solutions.
  3. Improved tenant services – AI technology will be used to refine tenant interactions, offering 24/7 assistance and personalised tenant engagement through advanced chatbots and virtual assistant technologies.

“Through this acquisition, Proptech Labs is not just growing in size but is also advancing our capability to innovate and lead in the AI-driven property management space,” Mr Niesten said.

“We are excited to set new standards for the industry, enhancing operational efficiencies as well as both tenant and owner satisfaction.”

For more detailed information about Proptech Labs and the integration of reHeroes, reach out to Proptech Labs here.

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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