More EU Election Fallout—Belgium's Prime Minister Abruptly Resigns


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We reported earlier how French President Emmanuel Macron announced he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling for snap elections after his party got shellacked in European Parliament balloting. 

Au revoir?

France’s Macron Dissolves National Assembly, Calls for Snap Elections After Crushing EU Election Defeat

Now the fallout has spread further, as Belgium’s leftist Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced his decision to step down as his party also got smoked:

Although he will oversee a caretaker government until a new coalition is created, he will nevertheless hand in his resignation to Belgium’s King Philippe on Monday at the royal palace in Brussels.

The results in both France and Belgium indicate a growing political move in Europe toward the right as economic issues, unfettered immigration, and other concerns are turning off voters:

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will resign, he said, reflecting on the poor performance of his governing coalition in the country’s ‘Super Sunday’ election which saw residents vote for their new parliament as well as regional representatives, and for their new members of the European Parliament.

While Belgium didn’t experience a landslide victory, the gaining of ground by a handful of right-wing parties and the cliff-edge collapse of the country’s two Green parties has been enough to shift the electoral picture in the country, making the present centrist-globalist coalition untenable.

Some are saying that the results indicate a cataclysmic shift in the minds of European voters.

The tweet continues:

Belgium: Prime Minister resigns after his crushing defeat against the right.  

Italy: Meloni’s Brother of Italy wins in a historic landslide  

Austria: FPÖ doubles their seats and becomes the largest party in the nation.  

Spain: Right beating the left by 10%.

Luxemburg: First ever seat for ADR.

It may take some time before a new Belgian coalition is agreed upon. Parliamentary politics is very different from our own system and can become extremely difficult to even create a functioning government.

“This is a particularly difficult evening for us, the signal from the voters has been clear,” De Croo told supporters, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

The French-speaking liberal party Mouvement Reformateur was the biggest in Brussels and French-speaking Wallonia, setting the country on course for months of challenging coalition talks.

While the ramifications of the various elections will continue to become more clear, it’s nevertheless apparent that there’s change afoot in Europe. Many pundits throw around the term “right-wing” like it means voters want to turn to Nazism or white supremacy and the like when what many of them are actually saying is, “We’re sick of uncontrolled immigration, globalism, and other progressive ideals being shoved down our throats.”

Perhaps a sleeping giant has awoken on the Continent. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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