Legal Experts Raise Questions About How Hunter Biden Could Be Acquitted, Despite the Evidence


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The Hunter Biden jury is now going into its second day of deliberations after the case was submitted to them on Monday afternoon.

The evidence was all there if you listened to the prosecution’s case.


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But legal experts have raised questions about how Hunter might still be acquitted, even in the face of the evidence, through jury nullification. Legal analyst and Townhall columnist Phil Holloway spoke with Fox’s Harris Faulkner and brought up that question. 

Faulkner asked him about how much damage Hunter Biden’s exes did to his case when they testified. Holloway said if the jury was paying attention to the prosecution’s presentation, they did a lot of damage. But he said there was also another “presentation going on” for the benefit of the jury. 

Holloway spoke about the presence of Jill Biden and the presence of the rest of the Biden family. “The defense has orchestrated it,” he said, saying it was designed to “evoke sympathy” because of their influence in the area. 

“This is an effort to get jury nullification,” Holloway said, explaining that despite the evidence being there, they could give him a pass anyway. 

Faulkner noted how Jill wasn’t just a stepmom but occupying the role of First Lady, which could have an influence on a Delaware jury. They also explain how the prosecution has verified the laptop. 

Sympathy for the addict is also a potential question, as some of the jurors have had family members themselves with drug-related issues. And Joe Biden made a statement at the beginning of the case trying to play on those sympathies. 

Fox’s legal editor, Kerry Kupec Urbahn, raised questions about jury nullification on Monday. 

What stood out to me today watching closing arguments in the Hunter Biden gun trial: Perhaps anticipating possible jury nullification, DOJ leaned in, and at the top of their closing, gestured towards Jill Biden and other Biden family members seated several feet away, saying, “All of this is not evidence.”  The DOJ prosecutor went on to say [paraphrase], “You may have seen them on the news, you may have seen them looking at you, you may have seen their reactions — but respectfully, it does not matter.” The government went on to present what felt like overwhelming evidence of Hunter’s illegal drug use and addiction during the time before, during, and after the period in which he purchased his gun.

Was the DOJ suggesting the Biden family was trying to influence the jury? Whether the DOJ was or not, the family’s presence certainly could. The jurors may feel favorably toward the family or they might feel threatened if they don’t act in a manner that the family might like. That’s why it was important for the prosecution to tell them to put all that to the side. 

If they’re just looking at the evidence as they should be, it’s all there.  

So now will have to see if the “D (Difference)” rears its head again or if the jury is able to see through the muck to the truth. 


Biden’s Statement About Hunter Raises Questions –
Is He Trying to Influence Jurors in Son’s Gun Case?

Jill Biden’s Flights Back and Forth to France to Attend Hunter’s Trial Raise a Lot of Questions

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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