Kamala Wants to Frame Campaign As Prosecutor Versus Felon: That’s Not Good … for Her


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The fledgling campaign for Kamala Harris is reportedly seeking to frame the 2024 presidential election as a prosecutor versus convicted felon narrative.

The initial observation here is that the “felon” in this story is actually not the bad guy.

If the vice president wants to push her record as district attorney in San Francisco and later as California attorney general, she does so at her peril.

Doing so would expose her as an inept investigator, a champion of jailing poor minorities, and an avid supporter of defunding the police while funding criminals.

Let’s take a look, shall we? We’ll start with her issues struggling to connect with minority communities, something Democrats are relying on in making headway in the race against Donald Trump.

A video from an appearance at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2010 shows Harris gleefully relaying a story about threatening parents with jail time if their kids skipped school.

“I believe a child growing without an education is tantamount to a crime,” Harris told the crowd in attendance. “So I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy.”

The video shows a smiling and laughing Harris sharing this story, noting that she had the political capital to try and “get those kids in school” by threatening their parents.

Critics were quick to point out that those most vulnerable to Harris’s over-zealous prosecution of parents were low-income minority families.

Harris, in another clip, can be heard describing how she tried intimidating a single homeless mother of three kids.

The Democrat can be seen laughing about sending her office’s homicide and gang prosecutors to school to meet with the struggling woman. 

“When you go over there, look really mean,” she recalled.

Harris would later suggest she was simply trying to connect parents to the resources they needed. Then, the charges would be dropped.

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Another sticking point for minority voters has been Harris’s history of expanding convictions of marijuana users in California.

As California attorney general, Harris oversaw thousands of marijuana-related convictions. Critics argue that these convictions disproportionately affected black and brown communities and that Harris’s office fought against efforts to reduce sentences or expunge records.

Harris later came under additional fire for that prosecutorial record when she claimed she smoked weed in high school, with some branding her a hypocrite.

While Kamala has little in the way of street cred due to her record as a malicious prosecutor, Trump’s own street cred has been amplified by being the victim of malicious prosecutors.

Craig Scott, who described himself as a “Black Robinhood” in a Newsweek op-ed, argued “Trump’s repeated run-ins with the law, and what seems like an unfair obsession with catching him and punishing him disproportionately for his so-called ‘crimes,’ reminds a lot of us of what was done to us” in the black community.

“He’s literally been in my shoes. No other president can brag on that,” Scott said. “And believe me, he will brag about it.”

Harris doesn’t have near the cachet with certain voting blocs that Democrats hope she does. Bring on the prosecutor v. felon push from her campaign.

When she wasn’t targeting poor minorities in the Golden State, Harris was failing women in her own office. As Attorney General, Harris ignored an accusation and lawsuit alleging sexual harassment by a top aide in her office.

That complaint involved “gender harassment” perpetrated against her aide’s former executive assistant, along with allegations that she was forced into “demeaning behavior.”

The case ultimately led to a $400,000 settlement and the resignation of that aide who had been described as one of Harris’s closest professional confidantes. The then-AG feigned ignorance of the whole accusation and lawsuit despite it being reported years earlier.

Only an inept prosecutor would completely miss a harassment case in her own office. But then, ineptitude defines Kamala.

In 2006, she granted probation to a man who went on to murder two people. At the height of the 2020 race riots, Harris encouraged people to contribute to a bail fund to free violent rioters. One of those freed ended up being charged with murder.

She continues to raise money for that bail fund.

When she isn’t jailing people for minor offenses and bailing out those with violent criminal records, Harris has been a vocal supporter of defunding the police.

She supported the movement and said we need to “reimagine” public safety, even applauding the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million as the riots were ongoing.

Kamala Harris Championed California’s Sanctuary State Policies
and People Are Dead As a Result

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Harris also backed abolishing ICE, the agency that arrests and deports dangerous criminals, insisting that “we need to probably be thinking about starting from scratch.”

You read that right. The woman Joe Biden tapped as border czar wanted to abolish the one enforcement mechanism for prosecuting criminal illegal aliens.

Kamala Harris was never qualified to be San Francisco DA. She was even less qualified to be California’s AG. It’s not even a question when it comes to the White House.

Even on the heels of one of the most incompetent presidencies in history, Harris’s history as a prosecutor and the very few things she was tasked with as Veep illustrates she’s not exactly an upgrade over Biden.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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