Joe Biden's Attempt to Mock Reporters Turns Into Another 'Is He Okay?' Moment


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Discussions around Joe Biden’s mental acuity are reaching a fever pitch, with even the White House feeling the need to respond. 

On Monday, Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that all the recent videos of the president appearing senile were “cheap fakes,” which is an allegation that they are manipulated or outright created in some way. To be clear, there is no evidence that this video of Biden freezing up and needing to be led off stage by Barack Obama is altered in any way. 

There is also no evidence that the video below, showing the president speaking with all the precision of a permanent nursing home patient is “misinformation.”

SEE: Biden Made Another Bizarre Remark at LA Fundraiser That Has Everyone Talking

It wasn’t long after Jean-Pierre’s gaslighting session that a new “cheap fake” dropped. During an Oval Office meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Biden had another “Is he okay?” moment. 

I’d transcribe what you just heard, but I have no idea what he said or was even trying to say. It appears he was attempting to mock the reporters who were shouting questions at him, but in doing so just came across as a bumbling, senile old man making unintelligible noises. That video is like watching a drunk homeless guy who hangs out in a park and shouts at birds.

What kind of president acts that way? For all the hand-wringing about Donald Trump and “decorum” over the years, Biden’s tendency to expose his lack of mental acuity while also diminishing the office has become legendary. Far from bringing normalcy back, the president has shown he’s an angry, disrespectful person. Couple that with his severe mental decline, and it’s not a pretty site. 

All of these videos only serve to hype the upcoming debate more. It may be the highest rate political event in American history at this rate. Americans are going to be glued to their screens to find out if there are enough drugs in the world to help Biden deliver a halfway sentient performance. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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