JD Vance Expertly Lays Out the Most Glaring Problem With Kamala Harris' Campaign


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Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) highlighted one of the main problems with how Democrats are trying to win over voters, and he hit the proverbial nail on the head.

During an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the vice-presidential contender expertly described how Democrats are out of touch with ordinary Americans and blasted their preference for platitudes over substance.

“The Democrats reveal how little they know about working people in this country because all of their changes are stylistic and there is nothing substantive,” Vance told Breitbart News. “Their solution to losing working class voters, to losing rural voters, to losing veterans is to sell camo hats with Kamala Harris’s and Tim Walz’s name on them. I think if they really want to reach out to veterans they might have selected somebody who didn’t lie about their military service record before running on the Democratic ticket. If they want to reach out to working class Americans, they could do things that protect our manufacturing jobs from theft by the Chinese. They could pursue energy policies that drive down the cost of manufacturing and drive down the cost of energy for American workers. Instead, they’re trying to do this stylistic rebrand where they wear camo hats but it’s the same old policies of the Democratic Party that have been very, very bad for working people for a generation.”

Vance went after Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, for attacking Vance for attending Yale University.

“It’s funny — Tim Walz is surrounded by a bunch of people who went to Yale and a bunch of people born with silver spoons in their mouths,” Vance told Breitbart News. “And he wants to attack me for getting an education. I’m not ashamed for being able to live the American dream. I mostly see it as a testament to the sacrifice of my grandmother and the people who raised me and made me who I was. I don’t think we should make people feel ashamed for sacrificing for their kids and their grandkids. If Tim Walz wants to attack my education story he’s more than welcome to attack it.”

The senator asked why Walz is running with Harris, who supports “policies that make it harder for American children to live the American dream and make it harder for American parents to afford groceries and health care.”

“What’s going on politically I think is they must have seen something in some polling or something, or some focus group that if he can attack me as some out-of-touch elitist it’s somehow going to trick people into forgetting that Kamala Harris has been horrible for working-class Americans. It’s the working class that suffers when you import 20 million illegal aliens and undercut their wages,” Vance added.

Vance nailed it — he accurately explained the problem Democrats have had for years. In its march further leftward, the party has shown a remarkable inability to understand what voters are concerned about. This is one of the reasons why the Harris/Walz campaign is relying on platitudes instead of policy.

It is almost as if Harris and her team are running a Walmart store brand version of former President Barack Obama’s “Hope and Change” campaign. The problem is that Obama actually had charisma and knew how to strike the right chord with the American people – even if his policies amounted to a gigantic hill of bovine excrement.

The Harris/Walz campaign’s overreliance on “joy” and being “happy” isn’t going to work to convince people struggling to make ends meet. The hard truth is that far too many Americans have little to be joyful or happy about amid economic problems, crime, and other issues.

Harris’ main obstacle is that she has nothing to run on. She has failed to make an impact during her tenure as vice president. She has also not even bothered to lay out a policy agenda, likely because most of her proposals would be too far to the left to be attractive to the voting public.

Vance was smart to point this out, and he should be doing this in every single interview he gives. The more the Trump campaign can attack Harris’ lack of substance while also laying out a vision for America, the better. It is a line of attack that Harris and her allies in the activist media cannot counter as it has already become its Achilles’ heel.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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